Last edited: April 23, 2007
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Lawrence & Garner v. State of Texas
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that sodomy laws are
unconstitutional on June 26, 2003.
The majority opinion is based on privacy rights and is written by Kennedy,
joined by Breyer, Souter, Ginsburg, and Stephens. O'Connor concurred on equal
protection grounds.
The Decision
In Lawrence vs. Texas, two gay men say the state of Texas deprived
them of privacy rights and equal protection under the law when they were
arrested in 1998 for having sex in a Houston home.
A neighbor had reported a "weapons disturbance" at the home of
John G. Lawrence, and when police arrived they only found two men having sex.
Lawrence and another man, Tyron Garner, were held overnight in jail and later
fined $200 each for violating the state’s Homosexual Conduct law. The
neighbor was later convicted of filing a false police report.
All sodomy laws in the US are now unconstitutional and unenforceable when
applied to non-commercial consenting adults in private.
Quotes on Gay Sex Ban Ruling
Associated Press, June 26, 2003
Quotes on the Supreme Court’s decision Thursday
striking down state bans on gay sex:
“When homosexual conduct is made criminal by the law of
the state, that declaration in and of itself is an invitation to subject
homosexual persons to discrimination both in the public and in the private
—Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the court majority.
“Many Americans do not want persons who openly engage
in homosexual conduct as partners in their business, as scoutmasters for their
children, as teachers in their children’s schools, or as boarders in their
home. They view this as protecting themselves and their families from a
lifestyle that they believe to be immoral and destructive.”
—Justice Antonin Scalia in his dissent.
“A law branding one class of persons as criminal solely
based on the state’s moral disapproval of that class and the conduct
associated with that class runs contrary to the values of the Constitution and
the Equal Protection Clause, under any standard of review.”
—Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, agreeing with the majority.
“Let me be
clear that I have nothing against homosexuals, or any other group, promoting
their agenda through normal democratic means. Social perceptions of sexual and
other morality change over time, and every group has the right to persuade its
fellow citizens that its view of such matters is the best ... But persuading
one’s fellow citizens is one thing, and imposing one’s views in absence of
democratic majority will is something else.”
“This is a
giant leap forward to a day where we are no longer branded as criminals.”
—Ruth Harlow, an attorney for the plaintiffs in the case and legal director
at Lambda Legal.
“If the
people have no right to regulate sexuality then ultimately the institution of
marriage is in peril, and with it, the welfare of the coming generations of
—Tom Minnery, vice president of public policy at Focus on the Family.
“We still
have a long way to go in achieving full equality, but the court’s
recognition that all women and men, regardless of their sexuality, have a
constitutional right to privacy is a huge step forward.”
—National Organization for Women President Kim Gandy.
“It is my
opinion that this decision represents a paradigm shift from the court’s
previous decisions in holding that homosexual acts are protected liberty
interests and that the Texas Legislature has no rational basis to forbid those
I am disappointed that the Supreme Court justices who
voted in favor of the reversal did not allow the people of the state of Texas,
through their elected legislators, to determine moral standards of governance
for this state.”
—Charles Rosenthal, a lawyer who argued the case for Texas.
ruling opens the door for new advances toward full equality and should be
viewed as a challenge to legislators to help pass important legal protections
for GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender) Americans—like employment
nondiscrimination laws and comprehensive hate crimes legislation.”
—Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the Human Rights Campaign.
Supreme Court decision overturning a Texas law against homosexual sodomy is a
defeat for public morality and America’s families. This ill-conceived
decision will have serious repercussions upon public health and welfare in
Texas and other states that still criminalize sodomy.”
—Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, chairman of Traditional Values Coalition.
“We are
all safer today because the court reaffirmed the principle that bigotry and
fear may not be the basis for criminalizing private consensual conduct.
Recognizing that Americans are entitled to respect for their private lives,
the decision is a ringing endorsement of the principles of individual liberty
and freedom from discrimination and bigotry.”
—Glen A. Tobias, national chairman of the Anti-Defamation League and Abraham
H. Foxman, ADL national director.
someone for expressing his sexual preference through noncommercial consensual
conduct with another adult does not appear to be a worthy way to expend
valuable law enforcement resources. Notwithstanding this, I recognize that as
a member of this court I am not empowered to help petitioners and others
similarly situated.”
—Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote in a dissent that he would vote to
repeal the anti-sodomy law if he were a member of the Texas Legislature.
- 'Lawrence'
Fails to Open Floodgates to Unfettered Sexual Freedom - Law.com,
March 5, 2007
The 11th Circuit ruled, "we
find that public morality survives as a rational basis for legislation
even after Lawrence, and we find that in this case the State's
interest in the preservation of public morality remains a rational basis
for the challenged statute."
- Gerald Ford
Supported Gays and the End of Sodomy Laws - The
Advocate, December 28, 2006
In a 2003 letter the late president Gerald
Ford wrote to his friend and colleague Charles Francis that he supported
the pro-gay side in the Texas case that ultimately led the U.S. Supreme
Court to abolish sodomy laws nationwide. The letter was in response to a
request by Francis, cochair of the gay-inclusive GOP group Republican
Unity Coalition—which Ford advised—asking Ford to sign an op-ed piece
calling for an end to sodomy laws.
- Body
of Gay Rights ‘Hero’ Languished After Death: After sodomy case
win, Garner died in poverty - Washington
Blade, December 08, 2006
- Resistance
to 2003 Sodomy Ruling Persists - Gay
City News, November 16, 2006
- Justice
Scalia: "Abortion" And "Homosexual Sodomy" Not In The
Constitution [Video on link] - The
Huffington Post, October 16, 2006
- Trio Uses
Supreme Court Gay Ruling In Polygamy Case - The Associated Press in 365Gay.com,
September 26, 2006
A Utah couple and a woman who wants to become the second wife in their
family are asking a Denver-based federal appeals court to overturn Utah's
ban on polygamy, saying it violates their rights to religion, association
and privacy.
- Tyron
Garner, 39, Plaintiff in Sodomy Case - New
York Times, September 14, 2006
- Stonewall
Democrats Black Caucus Statement on Tyrone Garner Garner, A Black Gay Man,
Participated in Case that Overturned Anti-Gay Laws - National
Stonewall Democrats, September 14, 2006
- Defendant in Sodomy Ruling Wasn't Politically
Motivated - Houston Chronicle,
September 14, 2006
Tyrone Garner, whose arrest in violation of Texas sodomy laws led to a
challenge before the Supreme Court and an eventual victory that struck
down such statutes across the country, died of meningitis after a lengthy
illness, friends said Wednesday. He was 39.
- Lawrence
v. Texas
Plaintiff Dies - The
Advocate, September 13, 2006
- Tyrone Garner,
Plaintiff in Landmark Gay Rights Case Dies -
365Gay.com, September 12, 2006
- Supreme
Court Already Decided DADT Lesbian Major's Lawyers Tell Judge - 365Gay.com,
July 1, 2006
Lawyers for Air Force Reserve Maj. Margaret Witt, facing discharge from
the military after it was discovered she is a lesbian, have told a federal
judge that Don't Ask, Don't Tell cannot be enforced because of the Supreme
Court ruling that overturned state sodomy laws.
- Gay Students
Protest Scalia Speech -
365Gay.com, April 12, 2006
- Scalia: Gays
Have No Constitutional Rights -
365Gay.com, March 30, 2006
- Scalia
Again Draws Criticism for Antigay Comments - The
Advocate, March 30, 2006
- ACLU Says
Pastor's Gay Soliciting Charge Unconstitutional -
365Gay.com, February 1, 2006
Argues Anti-Gay Pastor Bust Is Gay Rights Case -
365Gay.com, January 12, 2006
- Post-Lawrence,
Military Ban Upheld - Gay
City News, November 17, 2005
- Reasoning
Behind Sodomy-Law Ruling Bears on Zoning Laws - University
of Illinois, November 1, 2005
- Judge
Calls Lawrence Case Setup - World
Net Daily [Extreme Right Wing], October 27, 2005
- How
Staged Sex Crime Fooled Supreme Court - World
Net Daily [Extreme Right Wing], October 24, 2005
- Repeal of Sodomy Ban Echoes Across U.S. - The
Dallas Morning News, March 11, 2005
- Hetero
Sodomy Conviction Upheld - Gay
City News, March 10, 2005
- Low Court, High Principles -
The Cavalier Daily,
February 28, 2005
- Alabama Set to Ban Sex Toys -
Scripps Howard News Service,
February 25, 2005
- Lawrence Ruling’s Limits - Gay
City News, February 24, 2005
- Justice Department to Appeal Obscenity
Case Dismissal - Florida
Baptist Witness, February 24, 2005
- BYU Professor: Future of Gay Marriage Should Be
Up to the People - The
Daily Barometer, February 23, 2005
- Supreme
Court Declines to Review Ban on Sale of Sex Toys - The
Advocate, February 23, 2005
- Prof: Courts Taking More Power - Corvallis
Gazette-Times, February 22, 2005
- Supreme Court Lets Sex Toy Ban Stay -
365Gay.com, February 22, 2005
- Polygamy Ban Upheld - Focus
on the Family (extremist anti-gay organization), February 18, 2005
- Gay Marriage Bills Pass House,
Senate - Connection
Newspapers, February 17, 2005
- Justice Dept. Fights Ruling on Obscenity - New
York Times, February 17, 2005
- U.S. Appeals Pittsburgh Judge’s Obscenity
Ruling - Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, February 17, 2005
- Utah:
Judge Upholds Ban on Polygamous Marriage - The Associated Press (as
published in AZ Central.com),
February 17, 2005
- Utah: Judge Upholds Ban on Polygamous Marriage - The
Associated Press (as printed in the Washington
Post), February 17, 2005
- Judge Dismisses Challenge to Utah
Ban on Polygamy - Deseret
News (Mormon owned), February 17, 2005
- One Year Later: Pryor’s Record on 11th
Circuit - Law.com, February
11, 2005
- A Manhattan Judge Validates Gay Marriage,
Creating a Split Among New York Courts, And Setting the Stage for a Court
of Appeals Ruling - FindLaw,
February 8, 2005
- New York Judge Mandates Same-Sex Marriage - New
York Law Journal, February 7, 2005
- ACLJ asks Washington State Supreme Court to
Uphold Marriage Between One Man and One Woman - The
American Center for Law and Justice, (Fundamentalist Christian)
February 4, 2005
- Kiss and Tell - PrideSource,
February 3, 2005
- Gay
Father Appeals Custody Ruling - Washington
Post, February 3, 2005
- Gay Father Fights Antigay
Custody Restriction - The
Advocate, February 2, 2005
- A Federal Judge Dismisses an Obscenity
Prosecution on Privacy Grounds - FindLaw,
January 31, 2005
- Ouster of Gay Partner
‘Negative’ - Associated Press, January 31, 2005
- Appeal in Case of Gay Couple
Ordered to Split Up Over Child - 365Gay.com,
January 31, 2005
- Gay Pair Appeals Order to Split
Over Child - Gay.com, January
31, 2005
- NCLR and Lambda Legal File Appeal on Behalf of
Gay Dad in Maryland Custody Case - NCLR
and Lambda Legal,
January 31, 2005
- The Virginia Supreme Court
Strikes Down the State’s Fornication Law, Indicating that Other
States’ Antiquated Laws Will Fall if Challenged - Findlaw.com,
January 25, 2005
- Court Deals Blow to U.S. Anti-Porn Campaign
- ABC News, January 24, 2005
- U.S. Court Rejects Gay Marriage
Ban Challenge - UK.Gay.com,
January 21, 2005
- Virginia Sex Law Struck Down
- Gay City News,
January 20, 2005
- Louisiana: Judges: Sodomy
Ruling Doesn’t Void Oral Sex Law - The
Time Picayune, January 20, 2005
- Louisiana Supreme Court Upholds
Sodomy Law - The Associated Press, January 19, 2005
- Supremes
Decline to Hear Gay Sex Case - The Associated Press, January
19, 2005
- Supreme
Court Rejects Military Sodomy Case - The
Advocate, January 19, 2005
- Supreme
Court Declines Gay Soldier’s Case - 365Gay.com,
January 18, 2005
- Virginia Court Strikes Down
Unmarried Sex Law - The
Advocate, January 15, 2005
- Virginia: Court: Fornication Law
Unconstitutional - Richmond
Times-Dispatch, January 14, 2005
- Virginia Court Strikes Down
Singles Sex Law - The Associated Press, January 14, 2005
Will Justices Hear
Florida Adoption Ban Case? - PlanetOut,
January 5, 2005
Florida: Gay Adoption
Case May Evoke Supreme Court’s ‘Lawrence’ Decision - Legal
Times, January 5, 2005
Appeals Court Reverses Heterosexual Sodomy Conviction - December 13, 2004
Scholars Assess Impact of Reversal of Military Sodomy Conviction -
December 10, 2004
war on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - December 9, 2004
Appeals Court Overturns Sodomy Conviction - December 9, 2004
Appeals Court Overturns Sodomy Conviction - December 8, 2004
Court Overturns Sodomy Law - December 8, 2004
Believe Ruling Undercuts ‘Don’t Ask’ - December 8, 2004
Ruling Deals Blow to Sodomy Law - December 8, 2004
Gay Soldiers Sue Armed Services - December 7, 2004
Legal Defense Network Files Constitutional Challenge to “Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell” - December 6, 2004
Vets Sue for Reinstatement - December 6, 2004
Gays Sue Military to Be Reinstated - December 6, 2004
Veterans of War on Terrorism Sue Pentagon for Reinstatement - December 6,
Policy on Gays Is Challenged - December 6, 2004
Blair Lambasts Bush - News24.com,
November 31, 2004
Highest Court Declines to Strike Down Sodomy Statute - August 25, 2004
- Military
High Court Upholds Sodomy Ban - August 25, 2004
- Military
Court Skirts Gay Sex Law - August 23, 2004
Military’s Highest Court Declines to Strike Down Sodomy Statute; Court
Leaves Open Question of Constitutionality Article 125 - August 23,
- Texas: State Republicans Obsessed
with God and Gays - August 12, 2004
- Lawsuit Uses Repeal of Sodomy Laws
to Support Utah Polygamy - August 6, 2004
- Two Men Proud to Have Helped Defeat State’s
Sodomy Law - April 26, 2004
- Scalia’s Fitness Questioned after Ties to
Anti-Gay Group Revealed - March 9, 2004
- Another High Court Look at Gay Rights Likely
- February 9, 2004
- Changing History - January 20, 2004
- John Lawrence and Tyron Garner, 365Gay.com
Newsmakers of 2003 - December 20, 2003
- Utah Bigamist Cites Sodomy Ruling - December
3, 2003
- Bigamist Uses Sodomy Ruling as Defense -
December 2, 2003
- Lawrence Credited in Massachusetts Ruling -
November 19, 2003
- Supreme Court Paved Way for Marriage Ruling With
Sodomy Law Decision - November 19, 2003
- Married with Children? - September 15, 2003
- Bigamist
Appeals Conviction Using Sodomy Ruling Defense - August 19, 2003
- Impeach Supreme Court Anti-Gay Activist Demands
- August 18, 2003
- Abortion Opponent Opposes Gay Marriages -
August 16, 2003
- The Gay-Rights Movement Has Seized the
Nation’s Attention and Agenda. Can It Hold Them? - August 3, 2003
- Know Thy Enemy: Marriage Backlash Quotes
Released - July 29, 2003
- Poll Shows Backlash on Gay Issues - July 29,
- Support For Gays Drops Following Supreme Court
Ruling, Poll Suggests - July 29, 2003
- Poll Reversal: Acceptance of Gays Declines -
July 29, 2003
- City Council Votes Against Sodomy Law - July
24, 2003
- Obscenity Law in Ohio Targeted by
Lawyer - July 23, 2003
- Scalia Dissent Akin to Slavery Defense -
July 21, 2003
- In Changing the Law of the Land, Six Justices
Turned to Its History - July 20, 2003
- Lawsuit
Challenges Military’s Gay Policy - July 20, 2003
- Nearly 6 in 10 Approve of Supreme Court -
July 19, 2003
- Discharged Gay Vet Hopes Supreme
Court Decision Bolsters Case Against Army - July 18, 2003
- Anti-Sodomy Dissent Mirrors Slavery Reasoning,
Scholars Say - July 18, 2003
- Taking Credit for Lawrence vs. Texas Decision
- July 18, 2003
- Virginia
Strike Sodomy Statutes - July 17, 2003
- Broadcaster
Robertson Explains Remarks - July 17, 2003
- Soulforce Responds to Pat Roberston’s Prayer
Campaign and Encourages “Active” Participation to Ensure Equality for
All People - July, 17, 2003
- UIC Professor’s Work Gets a Supreme Compliment
- July 17, 2003
- Homophobic Gulfport City
Councilman Introduces Anti-Gay Resolution with Inaccurate Facts -
July 17, 2003
- Frist
Steps Back on Gay Marriage Amendment - July 16, 2003
- Prayer
Crusade Seeks Justices’ Retirement - July 16, 2003
- Library
Reprimands Employee for Gay Rights Talk - July 16, 2003
- Worker
Ordered Not To Discuss Supreme Court Gay Ruling - July 16, 2003
- Lawrence
Decision Launches Military ‘Gay’ Ban Challenges - July 16, 2003
- Will Court Case Help Marriage
Lawsuit for Ariz. Gay Couple? - July 16, 2003
- Sodomy Brings Pat Robertson to His Knees -
July 15, 2003
- Judicial Deference to Military
May Affect Gay Rights, War on Terror - July 15, 2003
- Gay in the USA - July 15, 2003
- Praying for Supreme Court Shake Up - July
14, 2003
- Sodomy Ruling May Affect
Military - July 14, 2003
- Ruling Reshapes Fights Over Anti-Gay Laws -
July 14, 2003
- Top Court Gay Ruling Labeled a
Victory - July 10, 2003
- Gay Man, Citing Supreme Court
Ruling, Fights ‘97 Army Discharge - July 9, 2003
- Change of Heart Needed Before Gays Declare
Victory - July 9, 2003
- Viet Vet Files ‘Don’t Ask
Don’t Tell’ Constitutional Challenge Based on Sodomy Ruling - July
8, 2003
- Vietnam Veteran Files
Constitutional Challenge To “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” & Federal
Sodomy Statute - July 8, 2003
- Robertson’s Rage – There He Goes Again -
July 8, 2003
- Santorum Supports Previous Comments on
Homosexuals - July 8, 2003
- After Battling for Gay Rights, Time to Shift
Energies - July 8, 2003
- North Carolina Police
Continue to Lay Sodomy Charges - July 7, 2003
- ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
Faces Challenge - July 7, 2003
- Lesbian Couple Uses Supreme Court
Ruling to Fight Adoption Ban - July 7, 2003
- Lesbian Couple Challenging Gay
Adoption Ban in Utah - July 7, 2003
- Scalia Lashes ‘Law-Profession Culture’ -
July 7, 2003
- Marriage, Military Might Wait Their Turn in
Court - July 7, 2003
- Decorated Veteran Challenges
Army Dismissal - July 6, 2003
- Adversaries on Gay Rights Vow State-by-State
Fight - July 6, 2003
- North Carolina: Sodomy Arrest
Guidelines Revised - July 6, 2003
- Sodomy Ruling Might Not Alter
Much in Virginia - July 6, 2003
- Resistance in Tradition of
Virginia - July 6, 2003
- Gay-Rights Debate Painted in Myriad Shades of
Gray - July 6, 2003
- Group Celebrates High Court Ruling
- Erie Times-News, July
4, 2003
- Conservative Arkansas Governor
Supports Sodomy Ruling - July 4, 2003
- The Ghosts of Jamestown - New
York Times, July 3, 2003
- Military Matters Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell: Will It Fall? - July 2, 2003
- California-Nevada Reconciling Clergy Applauds
Lawrence Decision - July 1, 2003
- Mixed Reviews on Court Ruling - June 29, 2003
- NY Gay Pride Marchers Cheer New
Hero: Supreme Court - June 29, 2003
- Gay-Pride March Celebrates Ruling - June 29,
- From Fear to Dignity: 2 Gay Men, 2 Journeys -
June 29, 2003
- Battle for Gay Rights Builds - June 29, 2003
- Implications of the Supreme Court’s Ruling on
Sodomy - June 29, 2003
- High Court Ruling Likely to Usher in New Era for
Gays Decision’s Logic to Have Impact on Other Rights - June 29, 2003
- Gay Pride Parades Get Boost From Supreme Court
Ruling - June 29, 2003
- Ruling
a Boost for Gay Activists Supreme Court’s Decision in Texas Case Could
Mean Gains for Gay Rights in Indiana - June 28, 2003
- Kansas Told to Rethink Gay Sex Case - June
28, 2003
- Morality vs. Privacy Central Louisiana Divided
Over Court Ruling on Gay Sex - June 28, 2003
- Gay Rights Leaders Applaud Court Decision - The Trentonian,
June 28, 2003
- Ruling on Gays Stirs Up Emotions - June 28,
- Local Reaction Mixed on Gay Sex Ruling - Knoxville
News Sentinel, June 27, 2003
- Two States with Universal Sodomy Laws Consider
High Court Ruling - The
Advocate, June 27, 2003
- Gay Rights Groups Respond to Court Ruling - The
Advocate, June 27, 2003
- Rallies Planned to Celebrate Supreme Court
Ruling - The Advocate,
June 27, 2003
- Activists Rejoice Over Court’s Ruling - The
Advocate, June 27, 2003
- High Court Rules Against Sodomy Laws - The
Advocate, June 27, 2003
- Texans React to Sodomy Ruling - Dallas
Morning News, June 27, 2003
- Men Whose Sodomy Case Led to Supreme Court
Ruling Keep Low Profile - Dallas
Morning News, June 27, 2003
- Supreme Court Ruling Celebrated from Stonewall
to Golden Gate - 365Gay.com,
June 27, 2003
- ‘Next Step Marriage’ - 365Gay.com,
June 27, 2003
- Sodomy Now Legal in S.C.,
Across U.S. - TheState.com,
June 27, 2003
- High Court Strikes Down Sodomy Law
- Wichita Eagle,
June 27, 2003
- Texas Sodomy Law Struck Down - Focus
on the Family, June 27, 2003
- Conference President Criticizes Supreme Court
Decision - United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops, June 27, 2003
- US Court Lifts Ban on Gay Sex in Texas - The
Guardian, June 26, 2003
- Ruling Invalidates State Law Against
‘Unnatural Sex’ - The
Clarion-Ledger, June 26, 2003
- San Antonio Gay Community Reacts to Supreme
Court Decision - News9,
June 26, 2003
- Twin Cities Gay Rights Groups Hail Decision;
Conservatives Express Dismay - Minneapolis
Star Tribune, June 26, 2003
- Clergy Members Criticize Court Ruling - Associated
Press, June 26, 2003
- Toobin: Regulating Sex Acts and Marriage - CNN,
June 26, 2003
- Baldwin Praises Supreme Court Sodomy Ruling
- Associated Press, June 26, 2003
- Lambda Praises Gay Rights Ruling - Washington
Times, June 26, 2003
- Gay Activists Hail Supreme Court’s Sodomy
Ruling - Daily Oklahoman,
June 26, 2003
- High Court Ruling Makes Louisiana Sodomy Law
Partly Unenforceable - Associated Press, June 26, 2003
- Quotes on Gay Sex Ban Ruling - Associated
Press, June 26, 2003
- Colorado Gay Rights Activists Support Ruling on
Gay Sex - Associated Press, June 26, 2003
- U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down South
Carolina’s Sodomy Law - Associated Press, June 26, 2003
- Missouri’s Anti-Sodomy Law Similar to Texas
Case - KOLR10-TV, June 26,
- Texas Prosecutor Says Court Should Have Let
Texas Decide - Associated Press, June 26, 2003
- High Court Ruling May Affect Florida Law - NBC-2,
June 26, 2003
- Court Invalidates Kansas Law; Reaction Mixed
- Topeka Capital-Journal,
June 26, 2003
- Activists Agree: Supreme Court Ruling on Sodomy
Laws Far-Reaching - Associated Press, June 26, 2003
- Texas Governor Will Abide by Supreme Court
Ruling - Dallas Morning News,
June 26, 2003
- Gays Overjoyed, Conservatives Despair Over
Sodomy Ruling - San
Jose Mercury News, June 26, 2003
- Virginia Among 13 States Affected By Sodomy
Decision - NBC4.com, June
26, 2003
- Idaho Gays Welcome High Court Ruling in Texas
Case - Associated Press, June 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Decision Nullifies Utah’s Sodomy
Law - KSL-TV, June 26, 2003
- Jubilation As Sodomy Laws Declared Void - 365Gay.com,
June 26, 2003
- Landmark Ruling Overturns Sodomy Laws - 365Gay.com,
June 26, 2003
- White House Press Briefing - June 26, 2003
- Lawmaker: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Invalidates
Michigan Law - June 26, 2003
- Local Reactions to Court Ruling - June 26,
- Supreme Court Strikes Down Gay Sex Ban -
June 26, 2003
- American Gays Hail Sodomy Ruling, Look to
Marriage - June 26, 2003
- Nevada ACLU Hails Supreme Court Rulings -
June 26, 2003
- Alabama Gay Group Praises Court Ruling on Sodomy
Law - June 26, 2003
- Experts: Court’s Gay Sex Ruling Will Strike
Down Laws in Other States - June 26, 2003
- N.C. Gay Rights Groups Applaud Supreme Court’s
Sodomy Ruling - June 26, 2003
- Gay Pride Marching Sunday - June 26, 2003
- Scalia Blasts Court on Sodomy Ruling - June
26, 2003
- Gays Joyful, Relieved Over Court Ruling -
June 26, 2003
- As Gays Celebrate, Others Predict ‘Terrible
Consequences’ - June 26, 2003
- Houston Attorney Calls Today ‘Day of
Independence’ - June 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Sodomy Law
- June 26, 2003
- Sodom And Seattle - June
26, 2003
Decries Supreme Court’s Decision as America’s “Moral 9/11” -
June 26, 2003
- Amnesty International OUTfront Statement –
Historic Supreme Court decision in Lawrence and Garner v. Texas
- Amnesty International USA,
June 26, 2003
- American
Friends Service Committee Hails U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Texas Sodomy
Law Case - June 26, 2003
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Welcomes
Supreme Court Sodomy Decision—Calls Opinion a Major Advance for
Individual Liberty - June 26, 2003
- Soulforce Expresses Jubilation and Hope for the
Future - June 26, 2003
- Ruling Sparks Revelry, Political Jockeying -
June 26, 2003
- Lead
Counsel Discusses The Landmark Case - June 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Strikes Down Sodomy Laws - June
26, 2003
- Family
Pride Coalition Commends Supreme Court Decision in Texas Sodomy Case -
June 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Sodomy Decision Implicates Federal
Sodomy Statute & "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - June 26, 2003
- HRC Lauds Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Striking
Down State Sodomy Laws, Recognizing Right to Privacy for GLBT Americans
-June 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Sodomy Law
- June 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Strikes Down Gay Sex Ban -
June 26, 2003
- Log Cabin Republicans Applaud Supreme Court
Decision - The Log Cabin Republicans, June 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Sodomy Law
- CNN,
June 26, 2003
- Comment by IGLHRC’s Paula Ettelbrick on the
International Context of Lawrence and Garner v. Texas - IGLHRC,
June 23, 2003
- Texas Sodomy Case Is More About
Equal Treatment - Key West Citizen,
June 19, 2003
- Landmark Gay Ruling May Put Bush in Bind - San
Francisco Chronicle, June 15, 2003
Texas Sodomy Case
Celebration at 5 pm on Day of Decision - "billyelliot1", June
14, 2003
- Gays Await Rights Ruling from Supreme Court
- Santa Rosa
Press-Democrat, June 6, 2003
- Rallies and Events Planned Nationwide on Day of
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Lambda Legal’s Historic Case Against Texas
Sodomy Law - LLDEF,
June 4, 2003
- Scalia Hosted by Group Whose Founder Is Suing
City over Same-Sex Partnerships - Associated Press, May 20,
- Six out of 10 Americans Say Homosexual Relations
Should Be Recognized as Legal - Gallup
News Service, May 15, 2003
- Majority of Americans Believe
Homosexuality Should Not Be Illegal, Support Partner Rights: Gallup Poll
- 365Gay.com, May 15, 2003
- Seven Out of 10 People Oppose Sodomy Laws - The
Advocate, May 7, 2003
- Seven in Ten Adult Americans Support U.S.
Supreme Court Overturning Same-Sex Sodomy Laws - Harris
Interactive, May 6, 2003
- National Poll Shows Strong Support for Right to
Privacy - Equality
Virginia, May 6, 2003
- 70% of Americans Favor Overturning Texas Sodomy
Law - 365Gay.com, May 6,
- Shurtleff Stands Behind His Support of
Antisodomy Law - Salt Lake
Tribune, May 3, 2003
- Sodomy on Trial - The
Advocate, April 29, 2003
- Town Hall Meeting in
Mississippi Saturday on Lambda Legal’s U.S. Supreme Court Case
Challenging Texas’s Sodomy Law - Equality
Mississippi, April 28, 2003
- Spotlight on Sodomy - MSNBC,
April 25, 2003
- Rosenthal Testimony Lackluster in
Capital - Houston
Chronicle, March 30, 2003
- Gays Follow Court Case - March 28, 2003
- Supreme Court Hears Gay Rights Case - The
Advocate, March 27, 2003
- Let’s Talk About Sex - March 27, 2003
- Scalia on Gay Rights; Breyer on 17th-Century
Poetry; and More on Oral Arguments in the Texas Sodomy Case - March
27, 2003
- Gay Rights Case Stirring Local Interest -
March 27, 2003
- The Supreme Court Tries Sodomy and Discovers that
Texas is Confused about it too - Slate, March 27, 2003
- Justices Hear Challenge to Texas Sodomy Law -
March 27, 2003
- At High Court, Antigay Case Looks Weak -
March 27, 2003
- Supreme Court Considers Challenge to Sodomy Law
- March 27, 2003
- High Court Examines Gays’ Rights - March
27, 2003
- Court
Hears Suit on Sodomy Law Gays Argue that Statute Violates Privacy Right
- March 27, 2003
- Court Hears Arguments in Gay Rights Case -
March 27, 2003
- Texas’ Gay-Sodomy Law Argued in Supreme Court
- March 27, 2003
- Supreme Court Seems Set to Reverse a Sodomy Law
- March 27, 2003
- Excerpts From Arguments Before the Supreme Court
- March 27, 2003
- Selected Excerpts From the Supreme Court - The
Data Lounge,
March 26, 2003
- Justices Grill Attorneys in Sodomy Case - The
Data Lounge,
March 26, 2003
- Sodomy Case Will Have Wide Impact - The
Data Lounge, March 26,
- Top Court to Rule on ‘Most Important Gay Rights
Case’ - San
Francisco Chronicle, March 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Hears New Test of Bans on
Homosexual Sex - Associated Press, March 26, 2003
- U.S. Supreme Court Hears Lambda Legal’s Case
Challenging Texas’s ‘Homosexual Conduct’ Law - Lambda
Legal Defense and Education Fund, March 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Hears Texas Sodomy Case - Concerned
Women for America, March 26, 2003
- U.S. Supreme Court Weighs Landmark Case - Gay.com,
March 26, 2003
- Supreme Court Urged To Strike Down
Same-Sex Sodomy Law - Dow Jones
Newswire, March 26, 2003
- Sodomy Law to Go to High Court Today - Dallas
Morning News, March
26, 2003
- Supreme Court Hears Key Gay Rights Case
Today - 365Gay.com, March 26, 2003
- Court Appears Divided on Anti-Sodomy Case - Associated
Press, March 26, 2003
- Court Could Reverse Ban on Homosexual Sex - Associated
Press, March 26, 2003
- Personal Accounts of the Oral Arguments - At
the Supreme Court, March 26, 2003
- GLIL Praises Libertarian Organizations for
Contribution to Sodomy Case - Gays
and Lesbians for Individual Liberty, March 25, 2003
- HRC Hopeful That Supreme Court Will Strike Down
Discriminatory Sodomy Laws - Human
Rights Campaign, March 24, 2003
- Court Test of Gay Rights vs. Traditional Values
- Christian Science Monitor,
March 24, 2003
- Texas Case Challenges 1986 Ruling That Upheld
Georgia Sodomy Law - March 23, 2003
- Supreme Court Considers Texas Sodomy Case -
March 23, 2003
- Supreme
Court Hears Landmark Gay Sex Case This Week - March 23, 2003
- Equal
Rights for Gays Faces Supreme Court Test - March 23, 2003
- Law
of the Bedroom - March 23, 2003
- Supreme Court Weighs Sodomy Challenge - The
Data Lounge, March 21, 2003
- Preserve
Marriage—Punish Sodomy - Family
Research Council, March 20, 2003
- Libertarians
Join Liberals in Opposing Sodomy Law - New
York Times, March 19, 2003
- The Episcopal Church, USA, Joins Pro-Sodomy
Brief - Concerned Women for America,
March 12, 2003
- Episcopalians Join in Legal Challenge to Texas
Sodomy Law - ENS, March 7, 2003
- Sodomy and the Supremes - The Advocate,
March 4, 2003
- Balance of Justice - The Advocate,
March 4, 2003
- Court Hears Florida Gay Adoption
Ban Case - Washington
Post, March 4, 2003
- Pride and Privacy - Boston
Globe, March 2, 2003
- In the Bedroom - The
American Prospect, March 1, 2003
- Liberty Counsel Argues That Texas Same-Sex
Sodomy Statute Should Be Upheld - Liberty
Counsel, February 20, 2003
- FRC Amicus Brief Filed in Sodomy Case - Family
Research Council, February 20, 2003
- The Other Matthew - Boston
Phoenix, February 20-27, 2003
- Civil Rights Groups Rally in
Kansas - Datalounge,
February 19, 2003
- Protest Targets Kansas Sodomy Law
- Advocate, February
19, 2003
- Rehnquist’s Unlikely Pals - February 12,
- Opposition Grows to Sodomy Laws - January 31,
- Imprisoned Teen Challenges Kansas ‘Romeo and
Juliet’ Law -
January 17, 2003
- Republican Unity Coalition Files Supreme Court
Brief Challenging Texas "Sodomy" Law - January 17, 2003
- Calling Someone ‘Gay’ May Not Be Slanderous
for Long - January 16, 2003
- Filings Support Gay Couple in Sodomy Case - January 16, 2003
- Lambda Legal Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Overturn
Texas’s ‘Homosexual Conduct’ Law - January 16, 2003
- Equality Mississippi Submits Amicus Brief in
Historic U.S. Supreme Court Case Brought By Lambda Legal - January 16,
- Resolution Calls for Repeal of Sodomy Law -
January 15, 2003
- Log Cabin Files Brief in Texas Sodomy Case -
January 9, 2003
- Sodomy Laws Face High Court Scrutiny -
December 30, 2002
- Not Just About Sex - December 16, 2002
- Supreme Court to Revisit Sodomy Laws -
December 8, 2002
- Can the Supreme Court Change Its Mind? -
December 5, 2002
- Perry Calls Sodomy Law ‘Appropriate’ -
December 4, 2002
- Black Robes Don’t Make the Justice, but the
Rest of His Closet Just Might - December 4, 2002
- Court to Hear Texas Case on Gay Rights -
December 3, 2002
- Top Court to Address Sodomy - December 3,
- Justices to Reconsider Ruling Against Sex Between
Gays - December 3, 2002
- Court to Weigh Texas’ Ban on Gay Sodomy -
December 3, 2002
- Justices to Decide Same-Sex Sodomy - December
3, 2002
- Justices Take Gay-Rights Case - December 3,
- Sodomy Case to be Heard by Top Court -
December 3, 2002
- U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Lambda Legal’s
Challenge To Texas ‘Homosexual Conduct’ Law - Lambda
Legal Defense & Education Fund, December 2, 2002
- ACLU Responds to Supreme Court Decision to
Consider Texas “Sodomy” Law - American
Civil Liberties Union, December 2, 2002
- Supreme Court Nears Momentous Decision -
December 2, 2002
- Supreme Court to Hear Sodomy Case - December
2, 2002
- Supreme Court Will Hear Sodomy Case -
December 2, 2002
- Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Sodomy Case -
December 2, 2002
- Supreme Court to Decide Texas Sodomy Law -
December 2, 2002
- HRC Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision to Hear
Texas Sodomy Case -
December 2, 2002
- Equality Virginia Applauds Supreme Court’s
Decision to Hear Texas Sodomy Case - December 2, 2002
- US Supreme Court Takes Up Gay Sex Challenge -
November 30, 2002
- High Court Poised to Hear 2 Equal Protection
Cases - November 29, 2002
- Justices Asked to Reconsider Bowers v.
Hardwick - November 27, 2002
- Court May Review Texas Sodomy Law - November
3, 2002
- Court Asked to Rule on Sodomy - Focus
on the Family, October 15, 2002
- Kirk, Cornyn Differ on Issues Facing Gays -
September 14, 2002
- Texas Sodomy Case on Firm Legal Ground - July
23, 2002
- Texas Ban on Gay Sex Faces New Legal Fight -
July 22, 2002
- High Court May
Hear Sodomy Case - July 16, 2002
- U.S. Supreme
Court Asked to Review Constitutionality of Texas "Homosexual
Conduct" Law - July 16, 2002
- Group Hopes
Texas Sodomy Case Heard - July 16, 2002
- Gay Sex Law
Appealed to U.S. High Court - July 16, 2002
- Court Upholds Sodomy Ban in Refusing to Hear
Appeal - April 19, 2002
- Texas Sodomy Case May Go to Supreme Court -
April 19, 2002
- Texas Sodomy Law May Face Supreme Court -
April 19, 2002
- Sodomy Appeal May Go to Supreme Court - April
18, 2002
- Anti-Discrimination Proposal Doesnt Protect
Illegal Actions - July 3, 2001
- Texas Committee Approves Sodomy Repeal -
April 20, 2001
- Legislature Likely to Take Up Sodomy Law Again
- April 19, 2001
- Sodomy Case Goes to Highest Texas Court -
April 13, 2001
- Two Men Continue Fight to Overturn Texas Anti-Gay
Law - March 16, 2001
- Texas Court Upholds Conviction of Two Men for
Consensual Sex at Home - March 16, 2001
- Court Upholds Texas Sodomy Ban - March 16,
- Texas Court Upholds Conviction of Two Men for
Consensual Sex at Home - March 15, 2001
- Texas Court Upholds Sodomy Law - March 15,
- Appeals Court Upholds Texas Sodomy Law -
March 15, 2001
- Texas Court Upholds Conviction of Two Men for
Consensual Sex at Home: Lambda Promises to Appeal - March 15, 2001
- Protestors Ultimately Want Death for Homosexuals
- March 2, 2001
Texas Judge Who Opposed State Sodomy Law Is Retiring - February 6, 2001
- Two Bills and a Court Ruling Pending in Texas
- January 30, 2001
- Texas Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Strike Down
Sodomy Law - January 23, 2001
- Texas Rep. Danburg Files Bill Seeking Sodomy Laws Removal
- January 20, 2001
- GOPers Defend Anti-Sodomy Letter - October 6 to October 12,
- Texas Sodomy Law Challenge Update - September 22, 2000
- Is It Curtains for the 140-Year-Old Sodomy Statute? - August
11, 2000
- Texas GOP Plan to Bend Sodomy Judge - July 19, 2000
- Texas Republicans Target One of Their Own - July 3, 2000
- Challenging Conventional Wisdom: An Independence Day Look at GLBT
Involvement in State and National Party Conventions - June 30- July 6, 2000
- Surprising Start Made in Challenge of Gay Ruling - June 28,
- Delay Could Help Gay-Rights Forces Fight Sodomy Law in Court
- June 10, 2000
- Appeals Court Rejects States Sodomy Law - June 9, 2000
- Texas Sodomy Law Struck Down - June 8, 2000
- Texas Court Rules Against States Ban on Gay Sex - June
8, 2000
- Sodomy Law Ruled Unconstitutional - June 8, 2000
- Anti-Sodomy Law Challenged - November 9, 1999
- Court Hears Challenge to Texas Sodomy Law -
November 5, 1999
- Conduct Law Unfair To Gays, Attorney Says - November 4, 1999
- Texas Court Wont Bar Adoptions - June 23, 1999
- Attorneys In Sodomy Case Awaiting States Strategy -
June 18, 1999
- Texans Opinions On Gays Surveyed - May 10, 1999
- Preacher: Protest Attendance Uncertain - March 9, 1999
- New Texas Legislation Targets Gay Foster Parents, Sodomy -
January 2, 1999
- Two Men Accused Of Violating Texas Sodomy Laws File New Appeals
- December 22, 1998
- Legal Assaults Against States Anti-Sodomy Laws Multiply
- December 3, 1998
- Arrests Will Put Sodomy Law on Trial - December 2, 1998
- Texas Sodomy Arrest Opens Legal Battle for Gay Activists -
November 29, 1998
- Georgia court's ruling bolsters sodomy case -
November 24, 1998
- Texas Men Post Bonds, Challenge State's Sodomy Law - November
20, 1998
- No Contest Plea in Texas Sodomy Case - November 20, 1998
- Two Texas Men Challenge State's Ban On Gay Sex - November 18,
- Activists Back Challenge To Texas Anti-Gay Laws - November
17, 1998
- Houston Men Arrested Under Texas Sodomy Law - November 9,
- No Locks On The Bedroom Door: Sodomy Laws Carry a Skeleton Key in
Texas - November 9, 1998
- Houston case may test sodomy law Lawyer says his clients' privacy
invaded - November 7, 19998
- Texas Sex Bust Sparks Challenge - November 7, 1998
- Two Men Charged Under State's Sodomy Law -
November 5, 1998
Sen. Rick
Santorum's idiotic statements
- Texas Case Fuels Momentum for Gay Marriage
- Deb Price in The Detroit News,
April 11, 2005
- Lawmakers Should Pull Out of
Sex Lives - Kevin Jones in the The
Daily Texan, March 3, 2005
- A Changing Morality
Within Our Society -
Jeff Cumberbatch in the Barbados
Advocate, February 28, 2005
- A Victory for Privacy - Robyn E.
Blumner in the St. Petersburg
Times, February 27, 2005
- Not Exactly a Valentine
- James Kilpatrick in The
Southern Illinoisan, February 20, 2005
- ‘Extreme’ Judicial Activism -
Orrin Hatch and Sam Brownback in the The
Washington Times (Unification Church), February 10, 2005
- Homo Hate - Doug Ireland in the L.A.
Weekly, November 5 -11, 2004
- Scalia and Santorum Were Right - Family
Research Council, December 5, 2003
- The Convergence of Two Legal Paths -
Ellen Goodman in the Boston
Globe, November 20, 2003
- The Decriminalization of Sodomy - William E. May in the Washington
Times, August 5, 2003
- Decisions Can Make Difference - Greg Hullender, in the King
County Journal, August 4, 2003
- Obscenity: The New Invasion of Privacy?
- Colin Stewart for the Family
Research Council, July 25, 2003
- Ruling No Danger to Minors,
Animals - July 25, 2003
- Stop Judging Homosexuals - David A. Debick in the The
Plain Dealer, July 25, 2003
- Obscenity: The New Invasion of Privacy?
- Colin Stewart for the Family
Research Council, July 25, 2003
- Who Dares Believe Liberals This
Time? - John George in the Minneapolis
Star Tribune, July 24, 2003
Clinton Takes The Lead, Again
- Charles A. Lapp in the King County
Journal, July 23, 2003
- Prayer Is Not a Tool for Bending God -
Jane Hunt in the Concord
Monitor, July 23, 2003
- Sodomites Owe Texas Republicans Their
Thanks - Dale Carpenter in the Houston
Chronicle, July 23, 2003
- ‘Gay Independence Day’ - Stephen Whitley on KERA 90.1 (Dallas),
July 22, 2003
- Queer Cheer - Richard Kim in The
Nation, July 21, 2003
- Some Advice on Consent - Clay Evans in the The
Daily Camera, July 20, 2003
- Save Traditional Marriage - Hans
Zeiger in the Seattle
Times, July 20, 2003
- Court Ruling Is Wrong - Nathan Loomis in the Omaha
World-Herald, July 19, 2003
- Lawrence
ignores the profound social consequences - Allen O’Donnell in the Omaha
World-Herald, July 19, 2003
- Pat Robertson, God’s Simp - Mark
Morford in the SF Gate, July 18, 2003
- Morality: Is It the Business of Government? -
Robert Peters for the Concerned
Women for America, July 16, 2003
- Gays
Say “Thanks” [to the Texas Republican Party] - July 16, 2003
- Supreme Court Opens the Door
to an Uninvited Gay Agenda - Dennis Mansfield in the Idaho
Statesman, July 16, 2003
- Four Letters from Bakersfield -
July 15-18, 2003
- Sodomy Ruling Endorsed - Barbara Lamond Purdom and Christopher Purdom in
the Philadelphia Inquirer,
July 15, 2003
- Homosexuality is Sin - Bobbie Ann Thompson in the Omaha
World Herald, July 14, 2003
- It’s Not Too Late to Beat Back the Push
for Same-Sex Marriage - M.D. Harmon in the Portland
Press-Herald, July 14, 2003
- The Supremes’ Sophistry - John Leo
in U.S. News, July 14,
- The Argument Against the Recent Supreme
Court Decision in Lawrence v. Texas Is Not New - Lori Messinger in the Tuscaloosa
News, July 13, 2003
- The
states don’t have equal rights anymore! - Esther Mason in the Wichita
Eagle, July 13, 2003
- Political Agendas Often Masked By Theology
- Peter Tupitza Wilmington
News-Journal, July 13, 2003
- Letters:
Sodomy Ruling Mugs Morality, Constitution and Families - The Plain
Dealer, July 13, 2003
- Court Decision Ignores God’s Will, Good
of All - James F. Dunn in the Newport
Daily News, July 12-13, 2003
- Five Letters About the Supreme Court
Decision - Omaha World-Herald,
July 12, 2003
- It Can’t Be Stopped - Providence
Phoenix.com, July 11—17, 2003
- Letter: Anti-Gay Sentiment Is Unfounded
- Skip Houston in the Los
Angeles Times, July 11, 2003
- Letter: Story Missed Important Point -
Joyce Hoffman in the Los
Angeles Times, July 11, 2003
- Justices Impose Secular Humanism
- James P. Ward in the Wilmington
News-Journal, July 10, 2003
- Sun Still Shines After Gay Ruling - Karl B. Friedman in the Birmingham
News, July 10, 2003
- Court Overstepped in Sodomy Ruling - Mona Charen in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, July 10, 2003
- Letter: Toward Equality - Tiffany Muller, Chair, Equal Justice Coalition
Topeka in the Topeka
Capital-Journal, July 9, 2003
- The Consequences of Lawrence v. Texas
- Joanna Grossman on FindLaw.com,
July 8, 2003
- Take it Inside - Richard
O’Brien in the Minneapolis
Star Tribune, July 7, 2003
- Court Ruling on Gays Fits the Constitution
- Rich Seeley in the Los
Angeles Times, July 7, 2003
Have Lost Fight Against Gays - Tom
Brazaitis in the
The Plain Dealer, July 6, 2003
- Letter: Higher Court
Could Overturn Fatherly Advice - Joy Fincannon in the Wilmington
Star, July 6, 2003
- ‘Unaccountable Politicians’: Court
Usurped States’ Legislative Role - Bob Marshall in the Richmond
Times-Dispatch, July 6, 2003
- High Court Decree Ends Morals Legislation
- A. Eric Johnston in the Birmingham
News, July 6, 2003
- In Texas Ruling, Supreme Court Denies
Refuge to Bigots - Robyn E. Blumner in the St.
Petersburg Times, July 6, 2003
- Don’t Amend Constitution - The
Leaf-Chronicle, July 6, 2003
- Justices’ Rulings Overlook Importance of
States’ Rights - Gregory Kane in the Baltimore
Sun, July 6, 2003
- Are We Seeing a New ‘Tipping Point’?
- Malcolm Lazin in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, July 6, 2003
- How to Derail Gay Marriage: Put
Polygamy on Fast Track - Bernadette Malone in
The Union Leader,
July 6, 2003
- It’s About More Than Sodomy -
Christopher Lisotta in the LA
Weekly, July 4-10, 2003
- Others and Brothers - Harold Meyerson in the LA
Weekly, July 4-10, 2003
- Remember the Past as We Enter a New Gay
World - Dave Ford in the San
Francisco Chronicle, July 4, 2003
- Courting a Crisis of Legitimacy - Charles
in the Washington Post,
July 4, 2003
- June 26: The Day South
Carolina Was Changed - Ed Madden on CommonDreams.org,
July 4, 2003
- The Court Disappoints on Gay-Sex Decision
- Letters in the New York Post,
July 4, 2003
- I Love a Parade - Geoff Schumacher in the Las
Vegas Mercury, July 3, 2003
- Pride, in the Name of Love
- Mike Prevatt in the Las
Vegas Mercury, July 3, 2003
- Sodomy Ruling Not End of The World - Cindy Richards in the Chicago
Sun-Times, July 2, 2003
- What Goes Around Comes Around: The
Invention of a Sexual Minority - Warren Throckmorton on American
Daily, July 2, 2003
- How to Learn to Love Sodomy - Mark
Monford in the SFGate.com,
July 2, 2003
- Facing America’s Moral 9/11 - John Horvat for the The
American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property,
June 30, 2003
- God, Not States, Should Legislate Morality
- Delaware County Daily Times,
June 30, 2003
- Court Plays Politics With Democracy - Gregory Sisk in the Des
Moines Register, June 30, 2003
- The Right of a Private Life - Sarasota
Herald-Tribune, June 29, 2003
- Letter: Gays Have Their Own Emancipation
Proclamation - Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, June 29, 2003
- A Gay Pride Day to Remember - New
York Daily News, June 29, 2003
- Letter: Hats Off to Independent Justices
- Boston Globe,
June 29, 2003
- Finally, Dignity and Respect—but at Such
a Cost - John Rechy in the Los
Angeles Times, June 29, 2003
- Letters: Court Strikes Bans on Gay Sex
- Los
Angeles Times, June 29, 2003
- A Victory for Gays and Liberty - Chicago
Tribune, June 29, 2003
- The High Court Finally Gets It Right -
E. J. Graff in the Boston
Globe, June 29, 2003
- Playing Catch-Up on Gay Sex Ban - Ellen
Goodman in the Boston Globe,
June 29, 2003
- Intolerance Suffers a Judicial Setback
- The
Commercial Appeal, June 28, 2003
- Sex Legal Now; Marriage Next? - Heather M. Ross in the Providence
Journal, June 28, 2003
- Ruling Makes Gays, at
Last, Equal Citizens - Ed Madden on TheState.com,
June 28, 2003
- Lap Dancing on the Constitution - George
Will, June 27, 2003
- Get Rid of Sodomy Law - Wichita
Eagle, June 27, 2003
- Privacy Affirmed - Minneapolis
Star Tribune, June 27, 2003
- Supreme Satisfaction
- Dan Savage in The
Stranger, June 26–July 1, 2003
- Integrity Gives Thanks for Supreme Court
Decision - June 26, 2003
- Muddled Court Decision Undermines Marriage
- Ken Connor for the Family
Research Council, June 26, 2003
- Texas Sodomy Law Overturned—A Tragedy for
America - Jerry Fawell, June 26, 2003
- Sexual Orientation: a State of Being, Not
Just a Sex Act - Joan M. Garry in the USA
Today, June 16, 2003
- High Noon for Gay Rights: Supreme Court
Decision Will Set Course - Dyana Mason, Fredericksburg
Free Lance-Star, June 17, 2003
- Santorum on Sex: Where the
Slippery Slope Leads - Stuart Taylor Jr. in The
Atlantic, May 6, 2003
- Sodomy for Some - Richard Kim in The
Nation, May 1, 2003
- Old Argument but with a New Target -
Jonathan Zimmerman in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, May 1, 2003
- ‘Gay Case’ Should Worry Straights Too
- Norah Vincent in the Los Angeles
Times, May 1, 2003
- The
Libertarian Question - Stanley Kurtz in the National
Review, April 30, 2003
- Santorum Makes a Valid Point
on Sex - Mitchell Sommers in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 28, 2003
- Pro and Con: Should the Supreme Court
Uphold a Texas Law Banning Homosexual Sex? - Springfield
News-Leader, April 6, 2003
- Sodomy Laws – Revisited - Tom Teepen
in the Roanoke Times,
April 6, 2003
- Is Sodomy Patriotic? - Mark Morford in
the SF Gate, April 2, 2003
- Sodomy Hussein - Michelangelo
Signorile in the New York Press,
April 1, 2003
- About Fairness and My Family - Linda Kaufman in The
Washington Post, March 30, 2003
- Nobody’s Business - Omaha
World-Herald, March 30, 2003
- Unequal Protection - The
Boston Globe, March 29, 2003
- Law, Liberty and License - Cal Thomas,
March 28, 2003
- Justice for All - Concord
Monitor, March 28, 2003
- Our Liberties at Home - Jane Eisner in
the Philadelphia
Inquirer, March 28, 2003
- No Gay Things Allowed? - William F. Buckley Jr., March 28, 2003
- Supreme Court Considers Texas Sodomy Law
- Stuart Shepard for Focus
on the Family, March 27, 2003
- Bedroom Police - The
Columbian, March 27, 2003
- Equal, Private: High Court Should Strike
Down Texas Sodomy Law - Lansing
State Journal, March 27, 2003
- The Rights of Gay Americans - The
New York Times, March 27, 2003
- We Are All Sodomites Now - Andrew
Sullivan in The New Republic,
March 26, 2003
- Staring Down Stare Decisis - Richard Lessner for the Family
Research Council, March 26, 2002
- In Their Own Homes - Las
Vegas Review-Journal, March 25, 2003
- A Landmark for Gay Rights - The
Oregonian, March 25, 2003
- S.C. Laws Used to
Discriminate Against Gays - Ed Madden on MyrtleBeachOnline.com,
March 22, 2003
- A War That Should End - Ellen Goodman
in the Washington Post,
March 15, 2003
- Anti-Sodomy Laws - Russell Shaw in the
Arlington Catholic Herald,
March 13, 2003
- Amicus Briefs—Lawrence and Garner v. Texas
- Soulforce, February 18,
- US Supreme Court Takes on Sodomy -
Patrick Letellier in The Good Times,
February 13, 2003
- Supreme Court Has Chance to Right Wrong
Against Homosexuals - Anna Quindlen in the Salt
Lake Tribune, January 11, 2003
- Precedent on the High Court - Akhil
Reed Amar and Vikram David Amar for FindLaw,
December 27, 2002
- For Every Citizen? - Michelangelo
Signorile in the New York Press,
December 17, 2002
- To Right a Wrong - St.
Petersburg Times, December 16, 2002
- Getting Government Out of the Bedroom
- Cathy Young in the Boston
Globe, December 16, 2002
- Unnatural Law - Hendrik Hertzberg in The
New Yorker, December 16, 2002
- High Court Engages in Sodomy Debate - Iowa
State Daily, December 10, 2002
- Protect Privacy of Bedroom - Kansas
City Star, December 9, 2002
- Sodomy Laws in Violation of Human Rights
- US Raelian Movement, December 9, 2002
- Anti-Sodomy Laws Should Be Killed - Deb
Price in the Detroit News,
December 9, 2002
- Equal Rights for Gays - New
York Times, December 8, 2002
- Editorial: Peeping Into Bedrooms - Salt
Lake Tribune, December 7, 2002
- Texas Law Makes Being Gay a Crime - Jan
Jarboe Russell in the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, December 6, 2002
- Consenting
Adults: Equality at Issue in High Court Anti-Sodomy Case - Philadelphia
Inquirer, December 6, 2002
- Rights Create State of Confusion - Amarillo
Globe-News, December 5, 2002
- Time to Evict Police from Our Bedrooms -
Chicago Tribune,
December 5, 2002
- Editorial: Will Court Uphold Sexual Privacy?
- Orange
County Register, December 5, 2002
- Morality Police Knocking Down Doors -
Steve Skutnik in the Iowa
State Daily, December 4, 2002
- What Does This Law Accomplish? - Heber
Taylor in the Galveston
Daily News, December 3, 2002
- Sodomy Laws Revisited - Washington
Post, December 3, 2002
- Court to Consider Sodomy Law - Focus
on the Family, December 3, 2002
- Legislating from the Bench - Family
Research Council, December 3, 2002
- Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Sodomy Case
- By Art Leonard, December 3, 2002
Court Gets
Chance to Ban Sodomy Laws - Deb Price in the Detroit News
- July 29, 2002
- Two Letters in Favor of Repeal of Texas' Sodomy
Law - in the Austin
American-Statesman, July 30, 2002
- The Not-So-Hidden Message in State’s
Sodomy Law - Ann Rostow in the Austin
American-Statesman, July 17, 2002
- Letter: This Can Be Stopped - May 4,
- Ruling on Sodomy Law Shows Texas Court is
Blind to Sex - M. Greenberg in San
Antonio Express-News,
March 30, 2001
- Descent into the Lions Den with Concerned
Women - Sue Null in Houston
Voice, March 30, 2001
- Time for Texas to Let Go of Archaic
Anti-Sodomy Law - Houston
Chronicle, March 20, 2001
- National Stonewall Democratic Federation Responds to
Column, "When Democrats Do Bad Things" - July 7, 2000
- Reply to Prof. Wildenthals Response to My Column,
"When Democrats Do Bad Things" - July 7, 2000
- When Democrats Do Bad Things - Response - Bryan
Wildenthal, June 30, 2000
- Texas Part of The Pot Needs Stirring Up - Stephanie
Salter in San Francisco Examiner,
June 13, 2000
- Sodomy Law Is Dunking-Pond Dumb - Waco Tribune Herald, June
12, 2000
- Texas Court Strikes Down Anti-Gay Sodomy Law Supported by
Gov. Bush - National Stonewall
Democratic Federation, June 8, 2000
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
Amicus briefs in favor of repeal:
- Constitutional Law Professors, Bruce Ackerman, et al.
- American Civil Liberties Union and ACLU of Texas
- Mary Robinson, et al.
- American Psychological Association, et al.
- Human Rights Campaign, et al.
- Republican Unity Coalition and Alan K. Simpson
- Professors of History, George Chauncey, et al.
- Alliance of Baptists, et al.
- Cato Institute
- National Lesbian and Gay Law Association, et al.
- NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
- Log Cabin Republicans and Liberty Education Reform
- American Public Health Association, et al.
- American Bar Association
- Institute for Justice
State of Texas
Amicus briefs opposed to repeal:
Agudath Israel of America
Alabama, South Carolina, and Utah
American Center for Law and Justice
American Family Association, Inc.
Center for Arizona Policy and Pro-Family Network
Center for Law and Justice International
Center for Marriage Law
Center for the Original Intent of the Constitution
Women for America
First Principles, Inc.
Liberty Counsel
Public Advocate of United States, et al.
Texas Eagle Forum, et al.
Texas Legislators, et al.
Texas Physicians Resource Council, et al.
Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, two notorious hate
groups, claim to have filed an amicus brief, but the Supreme Court does not
list it as having been filed. It is here Family
Research Council and Focus on the Family.
The case is number 02-102, and can be tracked on the Court’s web page—http://www.supremecourtus.gov
Case Law
States v. Kenneth M. Bullock,
of the Army Court of Criminal Appeals narrowly reversing a conviction for
consensual sodomy under UCMJ Art. 125 on Lawrence v. Texas
grounds. -
November 30, 2004
Lawrence and Garner v. Texas (June 8, 2000)
Majority opinion in PDF format from Lambda Legal: http://www.lambdalegal.org/sections/library/decisions/lawrence.pdf
Desenting opinion in PDF format from Lambda Legal: http://www.lambdalegal.org/sections/library/decisions/lawrenced.pdf
Texas Statute
Sec. 21.01. Definitions.
In this chapter:
(1) "Deviate sexual intercourse" means:
(A) any contact between any part of the genitals of one person and the mouth or anus of
another person; or
(B) the penetration of the genitals or the anus of another person with an object.
(2) "Sexual contact" means any touching of the anus, breast, or any part of
the genitals of another person with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any
(3) "Sexual intercourse" means any penetration of the female sex organ by the
male sex organ.
Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1979,
66th Leg., p. 373, ch. 168, Sec. 1, eff. Aug. 27, 1979; Acts 1981, 67th Leg.,
p. 203, ch. 96, Sec. 3, eff. Sept. 1, 1981; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, eff.
Sept. 1, 1994.
Sec. 21.06. Homosexual Conduct.
(a) A person commits an offense if he engages in deviate sexual intercourse with
another individual of the same sex.
(b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, Sec. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974. Amended by Acts 1993,
73rd Leg., ch. 900, Sec. 1.01, eff. Sept. 1, 1994.
The sodomy law map prior to Lawrence v. Texas. All states are now
white, ie the sodomy laws are unconstitutional and unenforceable. However,
some states still attempt to enforce their laws. See Virginia,
Oklahoma, and North
Carolina. The U.S. Military
enforces its sodomy regulation without regard to Lawrence.

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