Letter: Anti-Gay Sentiment Is Unfounded
Los Angeles Times,
July 11, 2003
Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053
Fax: 213-237-7679 or 213-237-5319
Email: letters@latimes.com
The Supreme Court’s wise decision granting equal right to gays and
lesbian should be celebrated.
We are equal to anyone and have never, as Dan Huston intimated, asked for
special rights—merely to be treated equally in all aspects of society. I had
to laugh at first when I read of Huston’s ignorant rant that he saw many of
his young players “recruited” by gay residents, then I felt sad for him.
Gays do not “recruit.” Homosexuality is a born trait, much like eye
color and hair color. As to his assertion that “it lessens morals and social
guidelines” I was puzzled. Does divorce strengthen morals? Does pretending
to be something you are not strengthen society? There is no place in modern
society for such homophobia and bigotry. Does Huston also believe that African
Americans should still live in bondage?
Lastly I did have to laugh out loud when Huston called Laguna Beach
“headquarters for the gay community.” If he is so offended and is afraid
of being “recruited,” why doesn’t he simply move? I and many friends
will gladly offer to help him move to a more homophobic area where his
prejudice will be welcomed.
—Skip Houston, Laguna Beach
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