Last edited: February 14, 2005

Prayer Crusade Seeks Justices’ Retirement / Network, July 16, 2003

By Tom Musbach

SUMMARY: Pat Robertson responded to the landmark overturning of U.S. sodomy laws by asking his national audience to pray that God would replace three Supreme Court justices.

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson responded on Monday to last month’s landmark overturning of U.S. sodomy laws by asking his national audience to pray that God would replace three Supreme Court justices.

On his Web site, Robertson launched a “prayer offensive” called Operation Supreme Court Freedom, urging his network of supporters to “cry out for redress” so God might change the court.

“One justice is 83 years old, another has cancer, and another has a heart condition,” Robertson wrote in an open letter. “Would it not be possible for God to put it in the minds of these three judges that the time has come to retire?”

The Associated Press noted that Robertson is likely referring to Justice John Paul Stevens, who was born in 1920, and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has been treated for colon cancer. The identity of the person in the third reference is unclear.

The campaign was prompted by the high court’s 6-3 ruling last month that declared that private, consensual same-gender sexual activity is protected under the constitutional right to privacy.

Robertson warned that the ruling “opened the door to homosexual marriage, bigamy, legalized prostitution and even incest.”

“But no culture has ever endured which has turned openly to homosexuality,” he added.

“Obviously, Pat Robertson and other religious right conservatives feel they need the U.S. Supreme Court to be able to implement their interpretation of biblical law in the United States, despite the fact that the laws of the United States are based on the Constitution—not the Bible,” said Laura Montgomery Rutt, spokeswoman for Soulforce, a national group dedicated to ending “spiritual violence” against GLBT people.

“In the Lawrence v. Texas ruling, the Supreme Court justices awarded to all people what was rightfully theirs to begin with, as the government never belonged in anyone’s bedroom in the first place,” Rutt told the Network.

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