Last edited: February 14, 2005
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1. n. “The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes
the byproduct of anal sex.”
Thanks to Dan
Savage for coining this term. See much more at http://www.spreadingsantorum.com/
“... if the Supreme Court says that you
have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to
bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have
the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.”
—Senator Rick Santorum
“Everyone acts all surprised and upset,
when all these guys
are doing is describing the Republican Party
—Bill Maher, on Santorum gay-bashing and
Lott's love for slavery
Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Santorum
(An mp3 audio file thanks to www.bartcop.com)
Sen. Rick Santorum’s Unedited Comments on
Homosexuality in an April 7, 2003 AP Interview
- Santorum’s GQ Comments Provoke More Controversy
- The Advocate, July 23, 2003
- Santorum Supports Previous Comments on
Homosexuals - Scranton
Times Tribune, July 8, 2003
- Group Celebrates High Court Ruling - Erie
Times-News, July 4, 2003
- Santorum’s Visit Countered by ‘Equality
Rally’ Protest - The
Derrick, May 28, 2003
- Santorum is All Talk, Not Much Listening - Philadelphia
Inquirer, May 15, 2003
- Attendance Doubles at Gay GOP Event - Associated
Press, May 12, 2003
- Far Right Issues Hypothetical Barney Frank
Interview - The Advocate,
May 7, 2003
- Shurtleff Stands Behind His Support
of Antisodomy Law - Salt Lake
Tribune, May 3, 2003
- Santorum Meeting Went Badly, Parents Say - Philadelphia
Inquirer, May 3, 2003
- Parents of Gays: Santorum Stunk - Philadelphia
Daily News, May 3, 2003
- Senator in Heated Exchange with Parents of Gay
Children - New York Times,
May 2, 2003
- Gay Activist Calls Santorum’s Comments Helpful
- The Advocate, May
1, 2003
- Fund-Raising Letter Adds to Santorum Controversy
- The Advocate, May 1,
- Santorum Fundraiser Links Gays to 9-11 - 365Gay.com,
April 30, 2003
- Republican Lawmakers Back Senator in Gay Dispute
- New York Times, April
30, 2003
- Republicans Affirm Faith in Santorum - The
Data Lounge, April 30, 2003
- Pundits Say Santorum Will Survive - The
Advocate, April 29, 2003
- St. Joseph’s Affirms Offer to Santorum - Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 26, 2003
- Residents Back Santorum - Altoona
Mirror, April 25, 2003
- HRC Takes Issue With President Bush - Human
Rights Campaign, April 25, 2003
- Log Cabin Republicans Renews Call for Santorum
to Retract Harmful Comments - Log
Cabin Republicans, April 25, 2003
- Standing By Their Man - Eleanor Clift
in Newsweek, April 25,
- Pundits Predict Santorum Will Survive Flap over
Remarks on Gays - Associated Press, April 25, 2003
- White
House Press Briefing - White
House, April 25, 2003
- Santorum’s Post Seems Safe for Now - Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 25, 2003
- Impolitic, Maybe, but in Character - New
York Times, April 25, 2003
- HRC Takes Issue with President Bush - Human
Rights Campaign, April 25, 2003
- Senator Catches GOP Flak Over Comments on Gays
- Los Angeles Times,
April 25, 2003
- Bush: Embattled Sen. Santorum Is ‘Inclusive
Man’ - Reuters, April 25, 2003
- Some Residents Feel Santorum Overstepped Bounds
with Comments - The
Herald-Mail, April 25, 2003
- White House Stands by Santorum - The
Advocate, April 25, 2003
- Santorum Rebuke Shows Cultural Shift - The
Data Lounge, April 25, 2003
- Bush Comes to Santorum’s Aid as Two More
Senators Desert Him - 365Gay.com,
April 25, 2003
- Polygamist Upset by Santorum - The
Advocate, April 25, 2003
- Gay Constituent Confronts Santorum - The
Advocate, April 25, 2003
- GOP Officials Support Santorum - The
Patriot-News, April 24, 2003
- Gays Stage Protest as Cracks Appear in Santorum
Support - 365Gay.com,
April 24, 2003
- LGBT Caucus Calls for Sanctions of Santorum
- The California Legislative LGBT Caucus, April 24, 2003
- Gay Rights Issues Scuttle GOP Efforts at Unity
- USA Today, April 24,
- Santorum Vies to Succeed Helms as Most
Homophobic Senator - Bay Area
Reporter, April 24, 2003
- Two Republicans Criticize Santorum for Remarks
about Gays - CNN, April 24,
- Furor Fails to Faze Santorum - Philadelphia
Daily News, April 24, 2003
- Santorum’s Remarks Could Have Political
Consequences - The
Express-Times, April 24, 2003
- Frist and Specter Defend Santorum - Washington
Post, April 24, 2003
- Santorum Defends Homosexuality Remarks - Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 24, 2003
- A Republican Group Demands That Senator
Apologize to Gays - New York
Times, April 24, 2003
- Utah Sect Leader Criticizes Santorum - Associated
Press, April 24, 2003
- GOP Leaders Shrug Off Senator’s Remarks on Gay
Sex - Los Angeles Times,
April 24, 2003
- Chafee Chides Santorum for Gay Remarks - Associated
Press, April 24, 2003
- 300 Protest Santorum; GOP Critics Emerge - Gay.com,
April 24, 2003
- Norton Criticizes Anti-Gay Remarks by Republican
Leader - Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, April 24, 2003
- Rhode Island Delegation Critical of Santorum
- The Providence Journal,
April 24, 2003
- Critics Blast Santorum for Gay Remarks - Erie
Times News, April 23, 2003
- White House Press Briefing - White
House, April 23, 2003
- HRC Calls on Senate GOP Caucus to Reconsider
Santorum’s Position - Human Rights
Campaign, April 23, 2003
- LLEGÓ Seeks Removal of Santorum From Senate
Leadership Position - The National
Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organization,
April 23, 2003
- Mayor Street Reacts to Santorum Comments - KYW-TV
(Philadelphia), April 23, 2003
- Dean Calls for Santorum to Resign Post - Associated
Press, April 23, 2003
- Howard Dean Calls Sen. Santorum’s Remarks
Immoral - Dean
for America, April 23, 2003
- Santorum’s Stumble - Washington
Post, April 23, 2003
- No Apology Expected from Santorum - The
Advocate, April 24, 2003
- ‘Anti-Gay’ Senator Condemned - BBC
News, April 23, 2003
- Democrats Join Calls Denouncing Santorum - The
Data Lounge, April 23, 2003
- Bush Silence Opens Political Opportunity - The
Data Lounge, April 23, 2003
- Santorum’s Anti-Gay Remarks Fit Pattern of
Discrimination - People For the
American Way, April 23, 2003
- Santorum Refuses to Apologize to Gay Constituent
- 365Gay.com, April 23, 2003
- HRC Calls on Senate GOP Caucus to Reconsider
Santorum’s Position - Human Rights
Campaign, April 23, 2003
- Santorum Defends Comments on Homosexuality -
CNN, April 23, 2003
- Gay Uproar May Not Hurt Senator - San
Francisco Chronicle, April 23, 2003
- Santorum Seeks to Clarify Remarks on Gays - Associated
Press, April 23, 2003
- GOP Suffers Santorum Laryngitis - 365Gay.com,
April 23, 2003
- Democrats Criticize Santorum - The
Advocate, April 23, 2003
- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Slams
Santorum’s “Gutter Language” Comparing Homosexuality to Pedophilia,
Bestiality - NGLTF, April 23, 2003
- GLMA Joins LGBT Civil Rights Groups in
Condemning Homophobic Remarks by Santorum - Gay
and Lesbian Medical Association, April 22, 2003
- Persistent Conflict for Gays and G.O.P. - New
York Times, April 22, 2003
- Statement by Howard Dean on Senator Santorum’s
Offensive Remarks - Dean
for America, April 22, 2003
- National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
Denounces Santorum Comments; Joins Call for His Ouster - NGLCC,
April 22, 2003
- Santorum Statements Not Compassionate or
Conservative - Log Cabin Republicans,
April 22, 2003
- Sen. Santorum Defends Remarks in Gay Court Case
- Reuters, April 22, 2003
- Santorum Angers Gay Rights Groups - Washington
Post, April 22, 2003
- Santorum Rankles Gay-Rights Groups - Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 22, 2003
- Dems Call for Santorum to Resign Post - Associated
Press, April 22, 2003
- Senator Rick Santorum on the Hot Seat from a
Statement Made to the Associated Press - National
Public Radio, April 22, 2003
- Santorum Compares Homosexuality to Incest,
Polygamy - The Advocate,
April 22, 2003
- Anti-Gay Remark Trips GOP Leader - The
Data Lounge, April 21, 2003
- National And Pennsylvanian GLBT Civil Rights
Groups Outraged at Sen. Rick Santorum’s Deeply Discriminatory Remarks
- Human Rights Campaign, April 21,
- Log Cabin Republicans Denounce Santorum
Statements - Log Cabin Republicans,
April 21, 2003
- Santorum New Jesse Helms - 365Gay.com,
April 21, 2003
- Gay Groups Urge GOP to Remove Santorum - Associated
Press, April 21, 2003
- Senator Links Gay Sex with Bigamy, Incest - Gay.com,
April 21, 2003
- Hatch: ‘I’m Not Here to Justify Polygamy’
- The Salt Lake Tribune,
April 19, 2003
- Scalia and Santorum Were Right
- Family Research Council,
December 5, 2003
- Muddled Court Decision
Undermines Marriage - Ken Connor for the Family
Research Council, June 26, 2003
- What’s Rationale for Outlawing Gay Sex?
- The Repository,
May 15, 2003
- Matalin and Carville Exchange Barbs on
Santorum - NBC News, May
11, 2003
- Santorum on Sex: Where the Slippery Slope
Leads - Stuart Taylor Jr. in The
Atlantic, May 6, 2003
- Let’s Pretend - Barney Frank,
May 6, 2003
- Santorum Skirting His Own Bigotry -
Ann Korsak in a letter to the York
Daily Record, May 6, 2003
- Equal Protection and Fine Distinctions
- Two letters from Art Thompson and Irving Bennett in the Denver
Post, May 5, 2003
- Dog Bites Man - Hendrik Hertzberg in The
New Yorker, May 5, 2005
- Rally Round Intolerance - New
York Times, May 4, 2003
- GOP Stands by a Bigoted Senator -
Marianne Means in the Omaha
World-Herald, May 3, 2003
- Sen. Santorum’s Remarks Reflect a
Legitimate and Moral Concern - Cal Thomas in the Omaha
World-Herald, May 3, 2003
- Hillary’s Stony Silence - Paul
Schindler in the Gay City News,
May 2-8, 2003
- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
- Mary T. Shaw in a letter to Daily
Local News, May 2, 2003
- Senator Has a Tough Row - Dan DeLuca
in the Philadelphia Inquirer,
May 2, 2003
- Santorum’s Passions - Boston
Globe, May 2, 2003
- Bias Masked as ‘Inclusion’ - Scot
Lehigh in the Boston Globe,
May 2, 2003
- Meet the Mullah Omar of Pennsylvania -
Jeffrey St. Clair in Counter
Punch, May 1, 2003
- Santorum Should Focus on Divorce - Donald Orlando in Spokane
Spokesman-Review, May 1, 2003
- GOP Should Cut Santorum Loose -
Patrick Glaviano in the Las
Vegas Sun, May 1, 2003
- Sodomy for Some - Richard
Kim in The Nation,
May 1, 2003
- Old Argument but with a New
Target - Jonathan Zimmerman in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, May 1, 2003
- ‘Gay Case’ Should Worry
Straights Too - Norah Vincent in the Los
Angeles Times, May 1, 2003
- The
Libertarian Question - Stanley Kurtz in the National
Review, April 30, 2003
- Supersizing Santorum’s Bigotry -
Bill Berkowitz for WorkingForChange,
April 30, 2003
- Santorum’s Slip - Michelango
Signorile in the New York Press,
April 29, 2003
- Santorum Makes a Valid Point on Sex -
Mitchell Sommers in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 28, 2003
- Government Not Welcome in Bedroom -
Jay Bookman in the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution, April 28, 2003
- GOP Antigay Poison - Berkshire
Eagle, April 28, 2003
- Sen. Santorum Slammed - Michael Kenton
Mahler, Erie Gay News, in
a letter to the Erie Times News,
April 27, 2003
- Senatorial Speech - Waterbury
Republican-American, April 27, 2003
- Resign, Santorum! - Bryan Macedo in
the Providence Journal,
April 27, 2003
- ‘Homosexual Acts’ - Jeffrey M.
Glover in the San
Francisco Chronicle, April 26, 2003
- On Tolerance and Privacy - Chicago
Tribune, April 26, 2003
- Santorum’s View of Sodomy Case -
Letters in the Los Angeles Times,
April 26, 2003
- Santorum’s Rationale - Linda Chavez
in the Washington Times
(Unification Church), April 25, 2003
- Rick Will Survive This - Jon Delano in
the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,
April 25, 2003
- Bible, Constitution Support Santorum -
Marvin Olasky in the Spokane
Spokesman-Review, April 25, 2003
- Seven Santorum Letters - The
Morning Call, April 25, 2003
- The Case of Santorum v. Ten State Supreme
Courts - Barney Frank, April 25, 2003
- Senator Has Right to Say How He Feels
About Gays - James S. Coates, letter in the Tacoma
News Tribune, April 25, 2003
- Santorum’s Big Mouth - Michael
Kirkland in the United Press
International (Unification Church), April 25, 2003
- Question for Santorum - Andrew
Sullivan in the Washington Times
(Unification Church), April 25, 2003
- Santorum and Tolerance - Wall
Street Journal, April 25, 2003
- Sex Tips From Rick Santorum - Mark
Morford in the San
Francisco Chronicle, April 25, 2003
- G.O.P. Hypocrisy - Dan Savage in the New
York Times, April 25, 2003
- Santorum’s Stance on Gays Is Well
Grounded - Earl H. Tilford in the Providence
Journal, April 25, 2003
- Bigotry, Lies and the GOP - John
Nichols in The Nation,
April 24, 2003
- A ‘Voice for Inclusion’ - Richard
Cohen in the Washington Post,
April 24, 2003
- Adultery, Incest, Whatever - Washington
Post, April 24, 2003
- Santorum Distorts Constitution - David
Lampo, Vice president, Log Cabin Republican Club of Virginia, in the Washington
Times (Unification Church), April 24,
- An F in Logic - Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 24, 2003
- No Compassion with Santorum in Leadership
- Michelangelo Signorile in Newsday,
April 24, 2003
- Santorum Must Explain Remarks - Erie
Times News, April 23, 2003
- Sex, Sense, Silliness and Santorum -
Eric Campbell in The
Phoenix, April 23, 2003
- The Right to Be Let Be - Baltimore
Sun, April 23, 2003
- Private Parts - Ronald Bailey in Reason
Online, April 23, 2003
- Santorum’s Rant - Stanley F. Kern,
Daly City in the San
Francisco Chronicle, April 23, 2003
- Santorum’s Insensitive Words Indicate
the Heart of the Issue - Nathaniel Frank in the Philadelphia
Inquirer, April 23, 2003
- Hate Crime [or Just a hate email in the name of
Jesus] - David Kent Wallace DWallace8@houston.rr.com,
April 23, 2003
- Fred
Phelps thanks Rick Santorum - April 22, 2003
- Senator Santorum Sounds Off - New
York Times, April 22, 2003
- The Republican Rag - Lewis Whittington
on Advocate.com, posted April
22, 2003
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