Last edited: February 01, 2005

HRC Calls on Senate GOP Caucus to Reconsider Santorum’s Position

Santorum’s Statements Clarifying His Remarks to the AP Are Misleading and Inadequate

Human Rights Campaign, April 23, 2003
919 18th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20006 

Contact: David M. Smith Phone: (202) 216-1547 Cell:(202) 251-1447
Contact: Mark Shields Phone: (202) 216-1564 Cell:(202) 258-3667

WASHINGTON—The Human Rights Campaign today called on the Senate GOP Caucus to reconsider Sen. Rick Santorum’s, R-Pa., leadership position within the Republican Party after making deeply divisive and hurtful statements comparing homosexuality to incest in an interview with The Associated Press. Santorum issued a misleading statement on Tuesday that distances himself from his own remarks and fails to apologize for maligning the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

“Senator Santorum’s remarks to The Associated Press betray a deep discrimination against an entire group of Americans that is inappropriate for a senior leader of the United States Senate. We need leaders who will unite the country, and affirm the inherent dignity, value and equality of every citizen—not just the citizens he happens to like,” said HRC Executive Director Elizabeth Birch. “When Trent Lott made similar comments, he lost his position as majority leader, and it is time for the Republican Party to consider similar steps with Senator Santorum.”

In the AP profile of Santorum that was published Monday, he likened homosexuality to incest, bigamy and polygamy. He went on to say that homosexuality, feminism and liberalism are all threats to the American family. On Tuesday, the AP released the full text of Santorum’s interview in which Santorum, while discussing the implications of the constitutional right to privacy, went on to say, “That’s not to pick on homosexuality. It’s not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing ... the idea is that the state doesn’t have the right to limit individuals’ wants and passions. I disagree with that.”

“The argument that Senator Santorum is making in his statements is that granting civil rights to the GLBT community could lead the country to ‘man on child’ or ‘man on dog’ sex—which is as hurtful and insensitive as it is mean-spirited,” said Birch. “Most Americans support basic equality for the country’s GLBT community, and this country’s leadership should reflect that.”

In a written statement on Tuesday, Santorum said, “My discussion with The Associated Press was about the Supreme Court privacy case, the constitutional right to privacy in general, and in context of the impact on the family. I am a firm believer that all are equal under the Constitution. My comments should not be misconstrued in any way as a statement on individual lifestyles.”

“Senator Santorum’s statement on the AP interview is grossly misleading. Make no mistake, he absolutely meant to malign the country’s GLBT community and is now trying to backpedal because it is politically expedient. Santorum is not fit for the leadership role he holds. HRC is calling on the Republican leadership to demonstrate their compassionate conservatism and affirm the equality of all Americans by removing Santorum from his position within the party,” said Birch. The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national lesbian and gay political organization with members throughout the country. It effectively lobbies Congress, provides campaign support and educates the public to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.


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