Last edited: February 06, 2005

‘Homosexual Acts’

San Francisco Chronicle, April 26, 2003
901 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103
Fax: 415-896-1107

U.S. Sen. Rich Santorum’s negative comments about gays is proof-positive that ignorance and fear are America’s No. 1 enemy, not Iraq. One can only imagine what sort of “homosexual acts” he is talking about. No doubt he would assume they involve children, gerbils, whips and chains. It’s this kind of ignorance and misinformation that compels individuals like Sen. Santorum to feel that must “save the family,” when in reality they are simply bolstering their own ignorance.

When my partner and I participate in “homosexual acts,” exactly which “acts” does Sen. Santorum find offensive? Is it when we sit down and have dinner together? Perhaps when we practice our religion? Is it when we have friends over for movie night? Maybe it’s when we hold each other as we fall asleep?

Yikes, gays really do sound like monsters. Thank goodness we’ve got people like Sen. Santorum keeping the family safe from such debauchery.

- Jeffrey M. Glover, San Francisco

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