Last edited: January 28, 2005

Hate Crime

From: David Kent Wallace
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:58 PM
Subject: hate crime



I would like to report a hate crime. You hate the truth about God, and all other things in the satanic tunnel you celebrate on this planet. Let me explain........ Your comments about Senator Santorum concerning his truthful comments,(aka....... if sodomy is legal then bigamy, polygamy, incest, bestiality, and adultery will be legal) are what keep Christians on the right path. So keep making them. Jesus Christ wins in the end. You KNOW IT, AND SO DO I......

I know you won’t respond to this as a hate crime, besides I’m not in your state(thank God!!!).
Now to the crazy but insane part of this letter.............’Do you want to be a millionaire faggot?’
Let me get your opinion on a fictional crime(hahahaha)===

A fellow that lives near Houston, Texas quits taking his medication that keeps him from killing Christ’s enemies. His mind becomes naturally clean and he then realizes he needs to eliminate Christ’s enemies. He takes a drive over to Montrose in his SUV(where most faggots in Houston hang out). He spots a homo and his homo lover in a homo club doing homo things. He cuts off the nose of one homo and sticks it up the poop-shoot of the other homo. They both start boo-hooing and crying. One in agony(guess who), and the other in ecstasy(I think you have figured it out by n.o.w. you faggots).

For $100.00. Let me ask you—Is that sodomy????????Or, is that brown-nosing?got your final answer?????????????????????????????

Oh, and then he shoots both of them in the ear-hole with his freshly cleaned Glock 9mm. What little brains they have spurt out the other earhole. He then hooks a chain(a nice fresh chain bought at Homo-Depot) up to his billy-bob truck, (cuz we iz all billy bobs in TEXAS!), hooks it up to their bleeding corpses(necks and ankles) and proceeds to go 75mph in a 35mph.

For $200.00. Does he get a speeding ticket????????Or a bleeding ticket??????????? Got your final answer???????????????????????????

Then he takes what’s left of these swine and takes them out to fm2100, ties them to a fence post, and beats the crap out of whatever is left of them with a big ole’ 42” Louisville Slugger baseball bat. They be dead now, ya think?????????

Well that’s the end of “DO YOU WANT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE FAGGOT”.
New stuff will be arriving when the KIKE FILTERED media post more of your stupid comments.

By the way, I think you should be very happy that I vent through email. 

deadfully yours,

James Byrd jr. (deceased nigger)
and Matthew Sheppard (deceased faggot)

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