Last edited: January 28, 2005

GLMA Joins LGBT Civil Rights Groups in Condemning Homophobic Remarks by Santorum

Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, April 22, 2003
For Immediate Release
Contact Kenneth Haller, MD
Voicemail: 415-255-4547, #311
Pager: 314-294-9464
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SAN FRANCISCO—The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association today joined a broad coalition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered civil rights groups in condemning published remarks by Senator Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican, comparing homosexuality to bigamy, polygamy, incest and adultery. In an interview with the Associated Press in which he discussed the Supreme Court’s recent consideration of a Texas sodomy law, Santorum said that if the High Court overturned the law and endorsed the right to consensual sex between same-sex partners within the home, “then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.”

GLMA President Kenneth Haller, MD, strongly criticized the Senator. “For Senator Santorum to use such language is an affront the gay and lesbian persons everywhere.” Haller, a pediatrician, continued, “One of the greatest struggles that lesbian and gay adolescents face is violence from their peers. Calling someone ‘fag, ‘queer,’ or ‘dyke’ in school is the worst insult a kid can use, and ‘fag-bashing’ is considered sport by some. For a person of the Senator’s stature to refer to LGBT persons with such inflammatory language is to give license to those who would perpetrate such violence.”

Haller concluded, “GLMA calls for Senator Santorum to resign from his leadership positions in the Senate and the Republican Party. Last December, when Senator Trent Lott made remarks deeply hurtful to the African-American community, President Bush said, ‘We must continue our advance toward full equality for every citizen, which demands the guarantee for civil rights for all.’ GLMA fervently hopes that the President will recognize how Senator Santorum’s remarks likewise threaten the civil rights of LGBT persons and bring dishonor upon the Senate and the Republican Party.”


GLMA, the recognized leader in LGBT health, represents the interests of thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender physicians, medical students, and other health professionals as well as millions of LGBT patients throughout North America. The largest organization of its kind, GLMA was founded in 1981 to make the health care environment a place of empathy, justice, and equity.

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