Last edited: February 06, 2005

Integrity Gives Thanks for Supreme Court Decision

Integrity, Inc., June 26, 2003
GLBT Episcopalians and their Families and Friends in a Ministry of Fellowship and Advocacy
The Rev. Michael Hopkins, President, 301-474-4495,
The Rev. Susan Russell, Communications Director, 714-356-5718,

Integrity joins with many who are giving thanks for the Supreme Court decision today striking down the Texas Sodomy Law, as well as reversing its previous Hardwick opinion. Integrity joined in the amicus brief filed by religious organizations supporting the appeal by Mssrs. Lawrence and Garner, as did the Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

We would point out that no major US Christian denomination supported Texas in this appeal. The days of Christian-supported legal discrimination against gay and lesbian people in the United States seem to be waning, and for this we give thanks to God. We also give thanks that no longer can opponents of the public celebration of same-sex unions in our Church use the argument that such unions are “illegal” in many states. The Supreme Court today put an end to that reality.

The case also underscores, for Episcopalians, the importance of the actions of General Convention, for it was the General Convention’s longstanding opposition to legal discrimination against lesbian and gay persons (dating from 1976) that enabled Presiding Bishop Griswold to sign the amicus on behalf of the Church.

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