Last edited: February 14, 2005

In Changing the Law of the Land, Six Justices Turned to Its History

New York Times, July 20, 2003
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By Peter Edidin

When the Supreme Court voted 6 to 3 last month to strike down criminal sodomy laws, it reversed its 1986 decision in Bowers v. Hardwick, which held that the Constitution didn’t guarantee the right to engage in “homosexual sodomy.”

Both cases turned on history, not just law. In Bowers, the majority cited evidence that in the 18th and 19th centuries, sodomy was generally illegal in the United States. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, in his concurring opinion, wrote that to affirm the right to engage in homosexual sodomy “would be to cast aside millennia of moral teaching.”

The notion that Western society has held a consistent view about what constitutes sodomy, and that the practice of it by same-sex couples, in particular, deserved punishment, was one that a group of nine historians “knowledgeable about the history of the treatment of lesbians and gay men in America” decided to challenge.

In a supporting brief on behalf of the petitioner in Lawrence v. Texas, the case that was the occasion for the court’s momentous decision in June, these scholars contended that history taught a different lesson: that the legal prohibitions against same-sex sodomy derived from 20th-century prejudice, not the enduring attitudes of Western civilization.

Their argument won the day. As Justice Anthony M. Kennedy made clear in his majority opinion, “there is no longstanding history in this country of laws directed at homosexual conduct as a distinct matter.”

Excerpts follow from the historians’ brief. The full document can be found at

The brief begins with medieval Christian theology, and its varying definitions of sodomy.

When the term “sodomy” was first emphasized by medieval Christian theologians in the 11th century, they applied it inconsistently to a diverse group of non-procreative sexual practices. In subsequent Latin theology, canon law and confessional practice, the term was . . . confused with “unnatural acts,” which had a very different origin and ranged even more widely (to include, for example, procreative sexual acts in the wrong position or with contraceptive intent). . . .

Later Christian authors . . . could not agree on what sexual practices were meant by either “unnatural acts” or “sodomy.” For example, in Peter Damian, who around 1050 championed the term “sodomy” as an analogy to “blasphemy,” the “sins of the Sodomites” include solitary masturbation. In Thomas Aquinas, about two centuries later, “unnatural acts” cover every genital contact intended to produce orgasm except . . . intercourse in an approved position.

Many later Christian writers denied that women could commit sodomy at all; others believed that the defining characteristic of unnatural or sodomitic sex was that it could not result in procreation, regardless of the genders involved.

The historians next discuss how sodomy became a legal as well as a religious matter, and how, between the colonial period and the 19th century, America grappled with the issue.

The English Reformation Parliament of 1533 turned the religious injunction against sodomy into the secular crime of buggery when it made “the detestable and abominable vice of buggery committed with mankind or beast” punishable by death. The English courts interpreted this to apply to sexual intercourse between a human and animal and anal intercourse between a man and woman as well as anal intercourse between two men. . . .

Colonial American statutes variously drew on the religious and secular traditions and shared their imprecision in the definition of the offense. . . . Puritan leaders in the New England colonies were especially vigorous in their denunciation of sodomitical sins as contrary to God’s will, but their condemnation was also motivated by the pressing need to increase the population and to secure the stability of the family. Thus John Winthrop mused that the main offense of one man hanged in New Haven in 1646 for having engaged in masturbation with numerous youths—not, in other words, for “sodomy” as it is usually understood today—was his “frustratinge of the Ordinance of marriage & the hindringe the generation of mankinde.” . . .

Throughout American history, the authorities . . . rarely enforced statutes prohibiting sodomy, however defined. . . .

Indeed, records of only about 20 prosecutions and 4 or 5 executions have surfaced for the entire colonial period. . . .

A Baptist minister in New London, Conn., was temporarily suspended from the pulpit in 1757 because of his repeatedly soliciting sex with men, but the congregation voted to restore him to the ministry after he publicly repented. They understood his sexual transgressions to be a form of sinful behavior in which anyone could engage and from which anyone could repent, not as a sin worthy of death or the condition of a particular class of people.

The relative indifference of the public and the authorities to the crime of sodomy continued in the first century of independence. For instance, only 21 men were indicted for sodomy in New York City in the nearly eight decades from 1796 to 1873. The number of sodomy prosecutions increased sharply in the last two decades of the 19th century. . . .

It was only in the late 19th century that the very concept of the homosexual as a distinct category of person developed. The word “homosexual” appeared for the first time in a German pamphlet in 1868, and was introduced to the American lexicon only in 1892. . . .

Anti-vice societies organized in the late 19th century . . . encouraged the police to step up harassment of gay life as simply one more part of their campaigns to shut down dance halls and movie theaters, prohibit the consumption of alcohol and the use of contraceptives, dissuade restaurants from serving an interracial mix of customers and otherwise impose their vision of the proper social order and sexual morality. As a result of this pressure, the police began using misdemeanor charges, such as disorderly conduct, vagrancy, lewdness, loitering and so forth to harass homosexuals. . . .

Only in the 20th century, the brief argues, did fear of and discrimination against homosexuals as a separate class of citizens arise.

In 1923, the New York State Legislature specified for the first time one man’s “frequent[ing] or loiter[ing] about any public place soliciting men for the purpose of committing a crime against nature or other lewdness” as a form of disorderly conduct. . . .

In the early years of the Great Depression, restrictions on gay life intensified. New regulations curtailed gay people’s freedom of association. In New York State, for instance, the State Liquor Authority established after the repeal of Prohibition issued regulations prohibiting bars, restaurants, cabarets and other establishments with liquor licenses from employing or serving homosexuals or allowing homosexuals to congregate on their premises. . . .

In California in the 1950’s, notes one historian, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board “collapsed the difference between homosexual status (a state of being) and conduct (behavior) and suggested that any behavior that signified homosexual status could be construed as an illegal act. Simple acts such as random touching, mannish attire (in the case of lesbians), limp wrists, high pitched voices, and/or tight clothing (in the case of gay men) became evidence of a bar’s dubious character” and grounds for closing it. . . .

In 1950, following Senator Joseph McCarthy’s denunciation of the employment of gay persons in the State Department, the Senate conducted a special investigation into “the employment of homosexuals and other sex perverts in government.” . . .

In 1953, President Eisenhower issued an executive order requiring the discharge of homosexual employees from federal employment. . . .

In the decade following World War II, the police departments of numerous cities stepped up their raids on bars and private parties attended by gay and lesbian persons. . . . “Arrests were substantial in many cities. In the District of Columbia they topped 1,000 per year during the early 1950’s; in Philadelphia, misdemeanor charges against lesbians and homosexuals averaged 100 per month.”

The historians said this scholarship, much of it new, delineates a different history than the one the justices relied on in 1986.

Such forms of discrimination, harassment and stigmatization were so pervasive and well established by the 1960’s that it was widely imagined that they were the inevitable “residue of an age-old, unchanging social antipathy toward homosexuality.”

But recent historical scholarship tells a different story. . . .

It was only in the 20th century that the government began to classify and discriminate against certain of its citizens on the basis of their homosexual status. An array of discriminatory laws and regulations targeting lesbians and gay men were put in place in a relatively short period of time. In recent years, a decisive majority of Americans have recognized such measures for what they are—discrimination that offends the principles of our nation—yet a number of them remain in place. The 1973 Texas Homosexual Conduct Law at issue is an example of such discriminatory laws. They hold no legitimate place in our nation’s traditions.

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