High Court Decree Ends Morals Legislation
News, July 6, 2003
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By A. Eric Johnston
On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Lawrence
vs. Texas, one of its most far-reaching decisions. Lawrence
decided homosexuals have the right to private consensual sex without fear of
criminal prosecution under Texas law.
Is that what the Lawrence case is about? It is
not. It has never been just about that. It has been about an agenda to advance
homosexual rights and, now, to even diminish the ability of states to regulate
moral conduct.
If the case stopped at allowing private consensual sex,
it would be like most sex in the United States. It is private and authorities
prosecute very little adultery, adult sodomy, incest and other such crimes.
However, we need not guess at the real objective, because the court
specifically states it: “Our obligation is to define the liberty of all, not
to mandate our own moral code.”
There are many aspects of the case for analysis, but the
most important is the attack on states to have and enforce codes of behavior.
America’s roots in morality have been through state laws. But, like the case
of Roe vs. Wade (1973), which legalized abortion, Lawrence
creates a new constitutional right. It perverts constitutional law, diminishes
state authority and thereby erodes the original intent of the framers of the
Constitution, changing the face and substance of America.
In 1986, the U.S. Supreme Court case of Bowers
vs. Hardwick found constitutional a Georgia law that criminalized
homosexual conduct. However, the court in Lawrence says Bowers
was wrong then and it is wrong now. As a basis for reversing Bowers,
the court says Bowers’ foundation “has sustained serious erosion”
and recent criticism “has been substantial and continuing.” To soften its
impact, the court says Lawrence does not involve minors, marriage or
other governmental requirements, but only personal relationships, because
“the Texas statute furthers no legitimate state interest which can justify
its intrusion into the personal and private life of the individual.”
The liberty right the court finds is based on the 14th
Amendment, which prohibits states from depriving persons of their rights
without due process of law. The court says that if those who wrote the 14th
Amendment had “known the components of liberty and its many possibilities,
they might have been more specific. They did not presume to have this
insight.” In other words, the Founding Fathers were not aware of the need to
accord specific rights to homosexuals; not foreseeing states would later take
their rights away.
Grave injustice
The Lawrence ruling does America a grave injustice
by not only succumbing to “criticism” and slandering the Founding Fathers,
but by disingenuously decimating the historical analysis in Bowers. Bowers
demonstrated through in-depth historical analysis America’s deep roots for
laws criminalizing homosexual conduct. Like in Roe, the Lawrence
court case relies on a selective view of history, using only that evidence
which supports its position. The history relied on by the court is that
provided by the “scholarly” gay rights and ACLU briefs.
The correct facts are that sodomy was a criminal offense
at common law forbidden by the original 13 founding states, and that 32 of 37
states had such criminal laws when the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. In
1961, all 50 states outlawed sodomy. To quote Bowers, the suggestion
that homosexual sodomy is rooted in the tradition of the nation “is, at
best, facetious.”
Specifically, for Alabama, it adopted the common law both
when it was a part of the Mississippi Territory and in 1819 when it first
codified its laws as a state. In 1841, the first Alabama criminal law on
sodomy stated “every person who shall commit the abominable and detestable
crime against nature, either with mankind or with any beast, shall be punished
by imprisonment.” Again in the codes of 1843, 1852, 1866, 1867, 1876, 1887,
1897, 1907, 1923, 1928, 1940 and 1975, the crime of sodomy was renewed. It
remains the law today, but after Lawrence, its enforceability as a code
of moral conduct is repealed by implication.
The Lawrence ruling suggested that because Texas
prohibited only same-sex sodomy, it was permissible for heterosexuals to
engage in deviant sexual intercourse. Alabama law prohibits both. However,
because the court determined such perversion to be a liberty interest, all
persons can do it. Otherwise, Alabama’s law might be constitutional. Then,
no one could engage in sodomy, and homosexuals would not have a vehicle for
establishing a plethora of rights.
U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., was recently vilified for
suggesting that if the Texas law was unconstitutional, states could not
regulate other behavior such as fornication, bigamy, adult incest, bestiality
and obscenity. Justice Antonin Scalia exonerates the senator by saying in his
dissent: “(T)his (opinion) effectively decrees the end of all morals
Social change comes through democratic action. States
legislate morality, and if a majority is persuaded change is needed, change is
made. It is only when those who are impatient for change cannot wait, or who
cannot effectuate change, go to the court, as Scalia says, for a “brand-new
constitutional right.” That is what homosexuals have done in Lawrence.
After all, if all 50 states had laws against sodomy in 1961 and only 13 have
such laws today, it is apparent democracy has been at work. However, even in
states which have changed their laws, there are still restrictions on the
broad rights homosexuals seek. Overturning all restrictions was the objective
of this case and the progeny which will follow.
In the recent Canadian decision Halpern vs. Toronto
(2003), Canada’s highest court required the government to formally recognize
a marriage relationship of homosexual persons. The Lawrence majority
opines that is not what the justices were doing, but their reasoning betrays
them. At one place, they say prior decisions give “constitutional protection
to personal decisions relating to marriage, procreation, contraception, family
relationships, child rearing and education.” Then further along they add,
“(P)ersons in a homosexual relationship may seek autonomy for these
purposes, just as heterosexual persons do.”
About to change
The Supreme Court’s search for new rights has this time
created a new liberty interest that limits states’ abilities to legislate
morality and usurps democratic governance. This case has more far-reaching
implications than any since the abortion decision of Roe vs. Wade. Not
only are criminal laws such as sodomy, bigamy, polygamy, incest and adultery
at risk, but also laws on marriage, child custody, adoption, military service,
hiring practices, insurance provisions, nonprofit associations (such as Boy
Scouts), and other incidences of daily living are all subject to change.
Constitutional and civil rights have always been about
basic individual freedoms, subject however to basic moral norms. All of that
is about to change.
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