Letter: Story Missed Important Point
Los Angeles Times,
July 11, 2003
Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053
Fax: 213-237-7679 or 213-237-5319
Email: letters@latimes.com
Your story regarding the recent Supreme Court decision on
the Texas sodomy case was anything but fair and balanced.
To have chosen only those with unfavorable views of
homosexuality to speak against the decision showed the obvious bias of authors
of the story. It is entirely possible to hold that the court’s decision was
wrong while not believing that the practice of sodomy in the privacy of your
own home between adults should be illegal.
If given the opportunity to vote I would cast my ballot
to throw out laws regarding sodomy. But I believe that this was a bad
decision. The court has once again invented a “right to privacy” that does
not exist in the Constitution much as they did in inventing the concept that
women had the right to abortion. These issues should be decided by our duly
elected representatives, not five judges whom we did not elect and who never
have to face the voters.
If the legislature in Texas wanted to pass a law that
sodomy was illegal, let them do so. If the people of Texas don’t like the
law they will vote the offending legislators out of office. Moral issues such
as abortion and sodomy and gay marriage should be decided by the people, not
five judges who will never have to face the wrath of the voters. We the people
should be deciding issues of such moral significance to our country not some
activist judges.
—Joyce Hoffman, Laguna Beach
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