Last edited: April 23, 2007
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US Military
- Statute: US Code Title 10, Section 47, Subchaper X, Sec. 925. Art. 125.
- Penalty: Court Martial
- Classification: Felony
- Restrictions: None
- Enforcement: 106 members of the armed services were discharged
during the 2000 fiscal year that ended September 30, 2000, for homosexual
acts according to the Pentagon.
Section 47 - Uniform Code of Military Justice, Subchapter X, Punative Articles
Sec. 925. Art. 125. Sodomy
(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with
another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy.
Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense.
(b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
United States v. Eric P. Marcum, United States
Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, decided August 23, 2004 - http://www.armfor.uscourts.gov/opinions/2004Term/02-0944.pdf
States v. Kenneth M. Bullock,
of the Army Court of Criminal Appeals narrowly reversing a conviction for
consensual sodomy under UCMJ Art. 125 on Lawrence v. Texas
grounds. -
November 30, 2004
Obama Dodge GI Sodomy - GayCityNews,
April 12, 2007
Only four of the 17 presidential hopefuls - Joe Biden, Chris Dodd, Dennis
Kucinich, and Mike Gravel - are willing to stand up for the right of gay
military personnel to privacy in their sexual behavior.
Would Pace Call
Turing "Immoral"? -
Advocate, March 16, 2007
Supreme Court
Already Decided DADT Lesbian Major's Lawyers Tell Judge - 365Gay.com,
July 1, 2006
Lawyers for Air Force Reserve Maj. Margaret Witt, facing discharge from the
military after it was discovered she is a lesbian, have told a federal judge
that Don't Ask, Don't Tell cannot be enforced because of the Supreme Court
ruling that overturned state sodomy laws.
Charges 7 in Gay Sex-Site Case - PlanetOut.com,
February 24, 2006
Military Ban Upheld - Gay City
News, November 17, 2005
Members Challenge “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy - The
Advocate, July 9, 2005
Boston Court Hears Oral Arguments in ‘Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell’ Challenge - Servicemembers
Legal Defense Network, July 8, 2005
Government Seeks Dismissal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t
Tell’ Challenge - Boston Globe,
July 8, 2005
Military Gay Ban Justified Federal Judge Told - 365Gay.com,
July 8, 2005
Military’s Gay Ban Heads to Court - 365Gay.com,
July 7, 2005
Sodomy Conviction Upheld - Gay
City News, March 10, 2005
Wants Gay Policy Suit Thrown Out - PlanetOut
Network, February 8, 2005
Wants Gay Military Suit Tossed - 365Gay.com,
February 7, 2005
Ask, Don’t Tell’ - Houston
Chronicle, February 6, 2005
Decline to Hear Gay Sex Case - The Associated Press,
January 19, 2005
Court Rejects Military Sodomy Case - The
Advocate, January 19, 2005
Court Declines Gay Soldier’s Case - 365Gay.com,
January 18, 2005
Sodomy Ruling Offers Hope - Gay
City News, December 16, 2004
Appeals Court Reverses Heterosexual Sodomy Conviction - December 13, 2004
Scholars Assess Impact of Reversal of Military Sodomy Conviction -
December 10, 2004
war on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - December 9, 2004
Appeals Court Overturns Sodomy Conviction - December 9, 2004
Appeals Court Overturns Sodomy Conviction - December 8, 2004
Court Overturns Sodomy Law - December 8, 2004
Believe Ruling Undercuts ‘Don’t Ask’ - December 8, 2004
Ruling Deals Blow to Sodomy Law - December 8, 2004
Gay Soldiers Sue Armed Services - December 7, 2004
Legal Defense Network Files Constitutional Challenge to “Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell” - December 6, 2004
Vets Sue for Reinstatement - December 6, 2004
Gays Sue Military to Be Reinstated - December 6, 2004
Veterans of War on Terrorism Sue Pentagon for Reinstatement - December 6,
Policy on Gays Is Challenged - December 6, 2004
Highest Court Declines to Strike Down Sodomy Statute - August 25, 2004
High Court Upholds Sodomy Ban - August 25, 2004
Rights Campaign Statement on Military High Court Ruling - August 24, 2004
Court Skirts Gay Sex Law - August 23, 2004
Military’s Highest Court Declines to Strike Down Sodomy Statute; Court
Leaves Open Question of Constitutionality Article 125 - August 23,
- Ex-Officers: Military’s Gay Policy Outdated
- February 16, 2004
- Military Secrets - January 12, 2004
- Top Military Court Hears Case Against Sodomy
Ban - October 20, 2003
- Military Anti Sodomy Law Under Review -
October 8, 2003
- Military’s Highest Court Hears Oral Arguments
in Historic Case Challenging Consensual Sodomy Ban - October 7, 2003
- Military’s Sodomy Ban Challenged - October
6, 2003
- SLDN, ACLU and Lambda Legal Urge Military’s
Highest Court to Strike Down Law Banning Consensual Sodomy - October
2, 2003
- Remove Sodomy From Military Law Gay Advocates
Urge - October 2, 2003
- Groups Challenge Military’s Sodomy Ban -
October 2, 2003
Sodomy Ruling Brings Military Challenges - August 5, 2003
- Sodomy Ruling Spurs Challenges To Military’s
Policy on Gays - August 4, 2003
- Lawsuit
Challenges Military’s Gay Policy - July 20, 2003
- Discharged Gay Vet Hopes Supreme Court Decision
Bolsters Case Against Army - July 18, 2003
- Lawrence
Decision Launches Military ‘Gay’ Ban Challenges - July 16, 2003
- Judicial Deference to Military May Affect Gay
Rights, War on Terror - July 15, 2003
- Sodomy Ruling May Affect Military - July 14,
- Gay Man, Citing Supreme Court Ruling, Fights
‘97 Army Discharge - July 9, 2003
- Military's Gay Ban Challenged in Wake of Sodomy
Ruling - July 9, 2003
- Viet Vet Files ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’
Constitutional Challenge Based on Sodomy Ruling - July 8, 2003
- Vietnam Veteran Files Constitutional Challenge
To “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” & Federal Sodomy Statute - July
8, 2003
- ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Faces Challenge
- July 7, 2003
- Decorated Veteran Challenges Army Dismissal
- July 6, 2003
- Military Matters Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Will
It Fall? - July 2, 2003
- Supreme Court Sodomy Decision
Implicates Federal Sodomy Statute & "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
- June 26, 2003
- Uniform Discrimination: The "Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell" Policy of the U.S. Military - January 28, 2003
- One Year After Panel Recommends Repeal of
Military Sodomy Statute, Pentagon & Congress Fail to Take Action -
June 3, 2002
- Courage Under Fire - November 27, 2001
- Changes In Uniform Code of Military Justice Loom
- June 14, 2001
- Military Panel: Repeal Codes Sodomy Clause
- June 8, 2001
- SLDN Hails Cox Commission Report on Militarys
Sodomy Statute - June 2-4, 2001
- Pentagon: Discharge of Gays Rose - June 1,
- US Military Told to Drop Sodomy - May 31,
- Cox Commission Recommends Repeal of Military
Sodomy Statute - May 30, 2001
- Military Panel Rejects Sodomy Law - May 30,
- Sodomy Still Illegal in US Military - March
24, 2001
- Military Legal Aid Group Urges Repeal of Sodomy
Statute - Servicemembers Legal
Defense Network, March 23, 2001
- Bill Bradley Wows Crowd at New York Gay Community Center -
February 29, 2000
- Appeals Court Throws Out Sodomy Conviction - October 26, 1998
- Captain's Sodomy Appeal Targets Commander - May 25, 1998
- Navy Targets Sailor's Use of `Gay' on AOL Case Raises Issue of
Online Privacy Protection - Washington Post,
January 12, 1998
- Representative Barney Frank Calls For Decriminalization of
Consensual Sex in The Military - June 18, 1997
- Ready, Willing, Disqualified -
Nathaniel Frank in the New York
Times, December 16, 2004
- Letters: Is This Really Uniform Justice?
- December 17, 2003
Military Needs to Update Its Conduct Code - Deb Price for the Detroit News,
September 15, 2003
- Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Go To Hell -
May 31, 2002
- A Policy for the Timid - June 19, 2001
- Will Rumsfeld Defend Gays in Military?
- March 26, 2001
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