Who Dares Believe Liberals This Time?
Minneapolis Star
Tribune, July 24, 2003
425 Portland Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Fax: 612-673-4359
Email: opinion@startribune.com
By John George
I’ve been reading with some interest all the viewpoints on the Texas
sodomy ruling. It seems that our country—which we call a democracy, a nation
ruled by a majority—has taken a turn to being a nation ruled by a minority.
Think back to the assurances of liberals at the time of the Roe vs. Wade
decision, that this decision would not lead to wholesale killing of babies
just for convenience. I wonder if there really are enough poor women and
medical crises to warrant 6,000 abortions a day? Did someone lie to me then?
Now, I’m hearing all kinds of assurances again that this ruling, which
the gay community is touting as an official validation of its lifestyle, will
have no effect on family life as we know it.
Right after the Supreme Court decision, I read about a lower court judge
throwing out the conviction of an 18-year-old man for having sex with a
14-year-old boy in a group home. Supposedly, the sex was “consensual.”
Since when is an adult having sex with a minor considered consensual? Maybe
after this ruling? And is the significance that the sex in this case was
homosexual the criterion that opens it up for reconsideration?
I find it interesting that there is a national gay organization that
promotes man-boy love. I don’t know of any national organization that
promotes man-girl love. In fact, I thought people who did these things were
called pedophiles.
Is this decision going to be used to validate homosexual “educational
experiences” for boys? How many fathers of adolescent and teenage boys would
like their sons to be enrolled in such a course?
Does anyone know for sure what the outcome of this type of social
engineering is going be? Am I really being told the truth this time?
- John George, Northfield, Minn., is an interior designer.
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