Last edited: February 06, 2005

Facing America’s Moral 9/11

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, June 30, 2003

Dear Friend,

When I read the Supreme Court’s decision striking down a Texas anti-sodomy law, it became very clear to me that June 26 was a tragic day in our nation’s history.

It is a legal decision with far-reaching consequences worse than Roe v. Wade and a major attack on the very foundations of public morality.

Lawrence v. Texas represents a “moral 9/11” which in one fell swoop brings down the legal constructs by which the government defends public morality and automatically prepares the way for destroying a second set of legal constructs now in place protecting the sacred institutions of marriage and the family.

This decision essentially affirms there is no morality. And it allows an interpretation so broad that all state laws prohibiting prostitution, adultery, bigamy, and incest are now at risk.

The American TFP deplores the monumental implications of the decision and the burden it will place upon you and me as we uphold Church teaching on the sin of sodomy. To read the American TFP’s press statement on the ruling, please click here.

What can you do about this decision? We definitely need to develop a strategy to fight this ruling.

Until then, there are two things you can do right away.

The first is to send to the Supreme Court a protest e-mail announcing your total repudiation of the decision and the dangerous precedent that it makes.

Tell them you reject the idea that the State has no interest in preserving public morality.

Tell them that the Court has the obligation to defend the institution of marriage.

Secondly, you can pray that God may give us the graces to resist this brutal offensive that so shakes the very foundation of our society.

Sincerely yours in Jesus and Mary,

John Horvat

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