GLAPN is happy to offer this venue for publication of articles by members and friends.
We add material as it becomes available, so please visit often.
Our Oregon Gay History Timeline has grown to include two pages, and we have added a Trans Timeline. Follow the link to see what has been happening since 1806! Oregon LGBTQ Timeline 1806-1969 Oregon LGBTQ Timeline 1970-Present Oregon Trans Timeline Oregon LGBTQ Youth Timeline GLAPN Organizational Timeline |
In September, 2015, GLAPN discovered a way to share oral histories online. We will be able to offer audio, word-processed text, and, in some cases, video versions of the histories we have been collecting since the 1990s. Follow this link to see what is currently available. | |
GLAPN's mission is to collect, preserve and share the history of all sexual minorities in the Pacific Northwest. Follow this link to see a list of articles that have appeared in the local press, courtesy of GLAPN scholars and writers. | |
"Pre-Stonewall" LGBTQ history includes the Two-Spirit traditions of Native Americans as well as stories of the lives LGBTQ individuals were able to make under conditions where they were considered criminals, deviants, lunatics, clowns – or when they weren't considered at all. Nonetheless, we can document a vibrant gay scene in Portland as early as 1912, and some individuals, uncowed by convention, lived out and proud. Read more … | |
The Stonewall riots of late June, 1969 have come to stand as a watershed between "old" queer history and the start of the modern gay rights movement. That distinction more or less works in Oregon, where gay rights activism became suddenly public in 1970, where an archaic sodomy law was removed from the books in 1972, and where the first gay rights bill was introduced in the legislature in 1973. We're happy to share these items of research or reminiscence about the days when queer people in Oregon started thinking of themselves as a community. Read more … | |
It goes without saying: LGBTQ people haven't ever won on election entirely on our own – we have always relied on straight allies to carry our message and create our majorities. In The Hearts & Voices Collection, George T. Nicola reminisces about the straight allies who were important to Oregon's early gay rights movement. Read more … | |
Since 2012, as part of our celebration of Pride, GLAPN has recognized Queer Heroes throughout the month of June. The Heroes' biographical sketches are great reading for historians, showing us the variety of ways individuals served and inspired their community. Follow this link to see our Queer Heroes' profiles. | |
This wonderful document was a collaboration between GLAPN's Tom Cook and George Painter in 1999. Nobody has ever produced a richer look at Portland's pre-Stonewall queer environment. Many of the sites on the tour are now gone – but the stories live on! Follow this link to see text and historic photos of the 1999 Portland Gay History Walking Tour. | |
Homosexuality: PTC Answers 15 Most-Asked Questions (ca 1977) The Portland Town Council (PTC) was a gay-rights organization based in Portland, Oregon. The following text is from a pamphlet, which PTC published in the late 1970’s (probably 1977) as part of its public education and awareness program, called Project Aware. The program was “charged with providing accurate information on homosexuality and gay people to the non-gay community.” This pamphlet was even furnished to state legislators. Follow this link to see the answers. |
Deaths of interest to the LGBTQ community in the Pacific Northwest. Follow this link to view the list. |
GLAPN members are often asked to contribute articles on northwest LGBTQ history to other publications in the region. Follow this link to see some of our work. |
P.O. Box 3646 • Portland, OR 97208-3646 • info@glapn.org
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