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Transpose PDX is a non-profit choral arts organization, centering the transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming community in leadership, membership, and focus.

Together, Transpose Community Choir and Acchord form Transpose PDX. Transpose Community Choir is a non-auditioned, accompanied singing group where they make music in a unique non-binary choir structure.

Acchord is an auditioned a cappella group, which focuses on musical and social outreach in the local community.

The mission of Transpose PDX is to empower the trans community by creating a brave and accountable space to expand musical skills, developing a sense of identity, and centering their voices in song. Their process of arranging and learning music is unique in that they reject historical and gendered norms such as gendered vocal ranges (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), or strict sectioning of choir participants. Rather, choir members have the freedom and flexibility to explore and/or affirm their own voices and needs in a variety of ranges, octaves, difficulty, etc.

Transpose PDX builds community amongst its singers, creates musical presentations that uplift their stories, and celebrates trans voices at the core of everything they do, both literally and figuratively. Choir members are encouraged to and do participate in all levels of leadership and decision making (including song selection, arranging, policy creation, resource development, and more), creating opportunity and empowerment for the trans community.

Transpose PDX’s vision statement: “We are the ripple-starters, the ambassadors of change, and the consciousness-raisers. We humanize trans folks through the most human of art forms — singing! Through rural outreach performances we become visible; may the people who encounter us no longer feel alone, gain the courage to be their authentic selves, and be inspired to start their own ripples.”














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