































Queer Heroes NW 2012

Aaron Ridings

Aaron RidingsAaron seems to be everywhere in the LGBTQ community, but, as he admits with a chuckle, nobody is quite certain what he does.

That’s because his personal style tends more to asking the right questions, helping people grow their own talents, and connecting folks to the resources they need, rather than being the star of the show.

Aaron’s first job with an LGBTQ affiliated organization was with Cascade AIDS Project. He was the 1999 AIDSWalk Assistant, and he worked for the CAP Housing Program in the furniture warehouse in 2000.

He volunteers all over town, so he does seem to be everywhere: at Oregon Safe Schools and Communities Coalition, where he co-chairs, the Board of Directors; on the Advisory Board for TransActive Education and Advocacy; and on the Steering Committee, for the LGBTQ Meaningful Care Conference, to mention a few of his community involvements.

And yes, Aaron works for a living, at a series of coveted jobs that have kept him in the mainstream of LGBTQ issues. He has worked in Reserarch, Development and Training with Equity Foundation. He held various positions with Multnomah County, culminating in two-plus years in Policy and Constituent Relations, in the office of Commissioner Deborah Kafoury.

Currently, he is Development Manager at Basic Rights Oregon.







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