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Many of these events are still in planning stages, and more events will be added as other community organizations step up with their plans.
July 17th (Sunday) –
30 Years Later: Lessons of Ballot Measure 9,
McMenamins Kennedy School Gymnasium
Join GLAPN, QCenter Executive Director, Ian Morton and panelists: Kathleen Saadat, Pat Young, Anne Galisky and Ramón Ramirez for a night filled with education, lessons and reuniting over the 1992 fight against Ballot Measure 9. Holly Pruett from Western States Center (WSC) will be showcasing their digital history exhibit: “No on 9 Remembered;” telling 30 stories of the grassroots mobilization that defeated the measure. And "Bridging Divides, Defending Dignity: How rural Oregonians have moved democracy forward since 1992!" a traveling exhibit produced by the Rural Organizing Project (ROP) featuring human dignity group victories and lessons from ROP’s 30 years of organizing will be on display in the adjacent garden patio. Doors open at 4:30pm, program begins at 5:00, social hour and exhibit viewing at 6:30. Refreshments for purchase in gymnasium.
Admission is free, but please confirm your attendance with this Eventbrite link.
September 8 (Thursday) –“Ballot Measure 9,” documentary screening, Clinton Street Theater, 7:00PM
Film Screening of the 1995 documentary, Ballot Measure 9 by filmmaker Heather MacDonald that examines the cultural and political battle behind “one of the most comprehensive - and harshest antigay measures put to voters in American history.” (* William Schulz, Oregon Historical Society Quarterly) Followed by a hosted conversation about the fight against Measure 9 and the fight we find ourselves in today, hosted by longtime activist and GLAPN member, Valerie Whittlesey. Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton St, Portland, OR 97202, 7:00PM.
Admission is $5.00. Please register and pay at this Eventbrite link.
October 10th through December 9th, 2022 – "An Urgent Appeal: Oregon's Ballot Measure 9, Thirty Years Later"
The display goes up on October 10th. We're planning a reception for October 13th.
Join us and PSU Library archives for a reception to their latest exhibit “An Urgent Appeal: Coalition Activism in Response to Oregon's Ballot Measure 9 Thursday, October 13th 5-8pm.Curated by PSU Library Special Collections & University Archives staff, "An Urgent Appeal" will present primary materials related to intersectional community organizing throughout Oregon and on campus that contributed to the defeat of the 1992 ballot measure from the PSU Archives.
GLAPN would like to invite you to come, share some refreshments and visit with folks who fought against Ballot Measure 9 and their allies, as well as folks just learning about this history. We hope YOU will be able to join us to acknowledge what an important time this was, and how our community and allies worked to combat the vitriol and violence that was unleashed by the OCA’s ballot measure.
For more details follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/431257642217
On display in the first floor elevator lobby of PSU Library (1825 SW Park Ave).
October 11, 2022 – Eugene Lesbian History Project program,
at Oregon Historical Society
Join the Eugene Lesbian History Project and the Oregon Historical Society for a public program on the history of Measure 9, a 1992 anti-LGBTQ ballot measure, and its legacies — personal, legal, and political. The program will include a brief introduction to the history of Measure 9, a viewing of short films from the history project, and a panel discussion among those who participated in the campaign against Measure 9 and youth who have been learning that history and engaging in more-recent campaigns for civil rights, moderated by Judith Raiskin. This program is free and open to the public, and everyone is strongly encouraged to wear masks.
Get more information at the Oregon Historical Society website.
Fall 2022 – “No on Ballot Measure 9" at the Intersection of Race, Time and Place TBD
This event is centered on BIPOC folks (both present during the fight against Measure 9 as well as beyond) to express their experience during the organizing against Measure 9, organizing spaces today, and what we can all do better today as we continue to fight against hate. Planning conversation is being led by Rev. Cecil Prescod. Anyone who would like to be involved, please email us at vicepresident@glapn.org .
TBD – Intergenerational Conversations about Community Organizing
Facilitated by Portland State University Professor Deborah Burke. This event will bring together LGBTQ+ community members of varying ages share their experiences and insights about organizing against hate to build stronger and safer communities for all.
November, 2022 – No on 9 Campaign Reunion and Remembrance, November, 2022. Time and Place TBD
This event is designed to hold space for folks to come together to celebrate the 1992 ballot measure defeat, and to look ahead to the challenges our community faces.
Ongoing Resources
“No on 9 Remembered” A digital history telling 30 stories of the grassroots mobilization that defeated the measure. (Created by: Holly Pruett and Eric Ward of Western States Center) visit: https://noon9remembered.org
"Bridging Divides, Defending Dignity: How rural Oregonians have moved democracy forward since 1992!" a traveling exhibit produced by the Rural Organizing Project (ROP) featuring human dignity group victories and lessons from ROP’s 30 years. Exhibit will be present at the “Lessons of Ballot Measure 9 event on July 17th. Watch for details as ROP's schedule becomes available.
Linda Kliewer photo courtesy of NoOn9Remembered.org
Ballot Measure 9 was defeated at the polls in 1992, 56 percent to 44 percent.
P.O. Box 3646 • Portland, OR 97208-3646 • info@glapn.org
Copyright © 2021, Gay & Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest