Last edited: June 12, 2004

Jamaican Homophobic Violence, June 2, 2004

Amnesty International has issued an urgent appeal to people all over the world to write to the Jamaican Prime Minister asking him to take urgent steps to protect gay people from violence, and to repeal legislation that criminalizes same sex relations.

Amnesty International has received many reports of vigilante action against gay people by members of the community, and of ill treatment or torture by the police. Gay men and women have been beaten, cut, burned, raped and shot on account of their sexuality. Once a person’s homosexuality becomes known to family or community, they are frequently at risk.

“We have talked to people who have been forced to leave their communities after being publicly vilified, threatened or attacked on suspicion of being gay. They face homelessness, isolation or worse,” said Amnesty International UK Media Director Lesley Warner.

“We are concerned that these reports are just the tip of the iceberg. Many gay men and women in Jamaica are too afraid to go to the authorities and seek help,” she added

One man described to J-FLAG (Jamaica’s only lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organisation) how six men from an infamous “garrison community” (poor, inner-city communities dominated by either of Jamaica’s two main political parties) blocked a road to beat a local gay man:

“The crowd stood around watching, chanting “battyman, battyman, battyman.” They beat, punched and kicked him, and then they dragged him down the road for half a kilometre. They shouted “battyman fi’ dead.” As I stood across the street I realised there was nothing I could do to help him. Some mothers were actually in tears at what they were witnessing but there was nothing that they could do either. The crowd was saying, “Give him to us! Let us kill him! He’s a battyman!”

Lesbians are also targets of homophobic violence in Jamaica. Amnesty International has assisted in several cases of lesbian women from Jamaica who have sought asylum abroad following persecution at home. Amnesty International has received reports of acts of violence against lesbians, including rape and other forms of sexual violence. There are reports of lesbians being singled out for attack on the grounds of “mannish” physical appearance or other visible manifestations of sexuality.

Amnesty International is concerned that musicians in Jamaica are actively promoting homophobia and share responsibility for violence against gay people. In January 2004 around 30,000 people attended a huge stage show and Rastafarian celebration, Rebel Salute, in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. Throughout the night, Capleton, Sizzla and other groups sang almost exclusively about gay men, urging the audience to “kill dem, battybwoys haffi dead, gun shots pon dem… who want to see dem dead put up his hand” (kill them, gay men have got to die, gun shots in their head, whoever wants to see them dead, put up your hand). Elephant Man, Bounty Killer, Beenie Man, TOK, and Capleton are among the stars who have written lyrics variously urging the shooting, burning, rape, stoning and drowning of gay people.

Against this backdrop of high levels of violence against gay and lesbian people in Jamaica, tacitly accepted by the police, are the laws that continue to criminalize consensual gay sex between males. Article 76 of the Jamaican Offences against the Person Act punishes the “abominable crime of buggery” by up to ten years’ imprisonment with hard labour. Article 79 of the same act punishes any act of physical intimacy between men in public or private by a term of imprisonment of up to two years and the possibility of hard labour.

Lesley Warner concluded: “This kind of violence and its incitement must be challenged and ended. Amnesty International wants to see legislation which criminalizes homosexuality repealed, and the police providing protection for gay people.”

More information about homophobia in Jamaica and details of how to write to the Jamaican government are on the Amnesty International UK website at:

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