Last edited: April 21, 2007
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- Statute: Buggery, Offences Against the Person Act, Section 76
- Penalty: 10 years imprisonment and hard labor.
- Restrictions:
The Offences Against the Person Act prohibits "acts of gross indecency"
(generally interpreted as referring to any kind of physical intimacy) between men, in
public or in private. The offence of buggery is created by section 76, and is defined as
anal intercourse between a man and a woman, or between two men. Most of the prosecutions
in fact, involve consenting adult men suspected of indulging in anal sex.
Hated to Death:
Homophobia, Violence, and Jamaica’s HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Human
Rights Watch report November 16, 2004
- To Be
Gay in Jamaica "To Be Dead" - The
Advocate, April 17, 2007
Amnesty International condemns the latest anti-gay attack in Jamaica, an
Easter Sunday assault on a church funeral supposedly attended by gays.
- Fort
Lauderdale Church Helps Jamaica's Abused Lesbian, Gay Community - South
Florida Sun-Sentinel, March 19, 2007
- Large
Number of Gay Cops: Homosexuals in the JCF Get High Marks for Performance
- The Jamaica Observer,
March 18, 2007
Like their counterparts in many other parts of the world, Jamaican cops
are learning to live with a large and growing number of gay and lesbian
colleagues, in a profession known to be typically hard on homosexuals.
- Jamaican
Police Fire Teargas into Mob Attacking 'Gay Men' - 365Gay.com,
February 15, 2007
- Jamaican Lesbians Found Dead
- Gay.com U.K.,
July 21, 2006
The bodies of two Jamaican women, who were allegedly having a lesbian
relationship, were found in a ditch last week.
- Man Perceived
to Be Gay Attacked in Jamaica - The
Advocate, April 8, 2006
Promises Action Against Students; Tells Cops Sorry - The
Jamaica Observer, April 7, 2006
Rights Advocate Raps UWI Students - The
Jamaica Observer, April 7, 2006
- Jamaican
Extricated from Anti-Gay Mob - PlanetOut.com,
April 6, 2006
- Jamaican
Students Riot, Try to Kill Gay Student - 365Gay.com,
April 6, 2006
- Cops
Rescue Alleged Homo from UWI Students - The
Jamaica Observer, April 5, 2006
- Four Arrested
in Gay Jamaican AIDS Worker Murder - 365Gay.com,
March 9, 2006
- Jamaican Religious
Leaders Gripe about Brokeback - The
Advocate, February 24, 2006
- 'Sinful and Immoral' Mountain Hits Jamaica - The
Guardian, February 22, 2006
- Homosexuality
Won’t be Legalised, says Justice Minister - Radio
Jamaica, February 15, 2006
- Jamaica to
Appoint Civilian Monitor in Gay Murder Probe - 365Gay.com,
December 10, 2005
- U.N. Accuses
Jamaica of Not Doing Enough to Hunt Down Gay AIDS Activist's Killers - 365Gay.com,
December 8, 2005
- Gay AIDS
Advocate Murdered In Jamaica - 365Gay.com,
December 1, 2005
- In Jamaica, Gay Rights Now an Issue Worth Debating - L.A.
Times, November 17, 2005
- Group
Urges Boycott of Reggae Concerts Over 'Hate' Lyrics - Providence
Journal, November 4, 2005
- Anti-Gay
Reggae Performer Charged in Hate Attack - 365Gay.com,
September 27, 2005
- Jamaican Activists Seek Help - Windy
City Times, February 16, 2005
- Jamaica’s Attitude Towards Homosexuality
Discussed - Hardbeatnews,
February 11, 2005
- Murder Music Campaign Suspended as Truce Offered
to Gay Activists - Gay.com U.K.
February 7, 2005
- ‘Murder Music’ Star Jailed - Gay.com
UK, February 4, 2005
- Anti-Gay Singer Jailed - 365Gay.com,
February 3, 2005
- Jamaican Gays and Lesbians to Visit NYC to
Discuss Efforts to Combat Homophobia on Their Island-Nation - Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, January 28, 2005
- Jamaica Noted for Intolerance of Gays - Seattle
Times, January 10, 2005
- Stay Out of Our Bedrooms!—Homosexuals Weigh in
on Gay Debate - Jamaica
Observer, December 19, 2004
- Jamaican Homophobia is Rampant - Gay
City News, December 16, 2004
- Black Music Council Defends DJs - December
12, 2004
- The Gay Debate - December 5, 2004
- Jamaican Business Joins Chorus Against Anti-Gay
Songs - December 4, 2004
- Jamaica: Police Violence Fuels AIDS Epidemic
- December 1, 2004
- Amnesty International Steps Into Jamaican
Homophobia Row - November 29, 2004
- Jamaican Gays Refute Gov’t Claims of No
Discrimination - November 26, 2004
- ‘Don’t Bow to Gay Pressure’ - November
20, 2004
- Jamaica Denies Systemic Homophobia -
November 19, 2004
- Anti-Gay Report Angers Jamaica Leaders -
November 19, 2004
- ‘We Won’t Be Bullied’—Gov’t Says It
Has No Plan to Repeal Buggery Law; Denies Anti-Gay Allegations -
November 18, 2004
- US Group Says Gays Abused in Jamaica -
November 17, 2004
- ‘DISGRACEFUL’- New Report Says Gov’t,
Police Condone Abuse of Gays, HIV Persons - November 17, 2004
- Jamaica: Police Violence Fuels AIDS Epidemic
- November 16, 2004
- Anti-Gay Hate Fuels Jamaica HIV Crisis - November 16, 2004
- Keep Law Out of Gays’ Bedrooms, Says Harding
- October 31, 2004
- Growing Up Gay in Jamaica - September 15,
- ‘If You’re Gay in Jamaica, You’re Dead’
- August 2, 2004
- Jamaican Police Hunt Famed Reggae Singer in Gay
Beatings - July 19, 2004
- Gay in Jamaica - June 24, 2004
- IGLHRC Mourns the Death of Jamaican Activist
- June 14, 2004
- British Gays use Brian Williamson’s Death to
Push Agenda - June 13, 2004
- Leading Gay Activist Found Murdered in Jamaica
- June 11, 2004
- Jamaican Gay Activist Murdered - June 10,
- Gay Rights Activist Stabbed to Death - June
10, 2004
- Leading Gay Activist Murdered in Jamaica -
June 10, 2004
- Jamaica’s Leading Gay Rights Activist Murdered
- June 10, 2004
- Jamaica’s Leading Gay Rights Activist Killed
- June 10, 2004
- Jamaican Homophobic Violence - June 2, 2004
- Jamaica: Queer in a Culture of Violence -
November 7, 2003
- Storytelling: Phillip Pike Documents Homophobia
and Hope in Jamaica - Metro
Weekly, April 17, 2003
- Violence Forces Gay Jamaican Men to Seek Asylum
Overseas - The Black World Today,
December 2, 2002
- Gay Jamaicans Suffer Bias & Violence -
October 18, 2002
- Asylum Is Granted to Gay Jamaicans - The
Daily Telegraph, October 13, 2002
- Decriminalisation of Buggery on the Horizon?
- Jamaica Observer,
December 30, 2001
- Caribbean Catholics Protest Pro-Gay Proposal
- December 20, 2001
- Jamaican Bishops Protest Civil Rights Reform
- December 19, 2001
- Caribbean Bishops Oppose Jamaica Proposal on Gays
- December 18, 2001
- Rhythm of Hatred: Anti-Gay Lyrics Reflect an
Island’s Intolerance - August 5, 2001
- Britain to Legalise Gay Sex in Colonies -
November 12, 2000
- "Paradise" Can Be an Ordeal for Gays - June 13,
- Gays Organize in Jamaica - December 18, 1998
- Jamaica Says Will Not Abolish Ban On Homosexuality - December
16, 1998
- Village People Concert Opposed - March 10, 1998
- Accused Homosexual Tells Grim Tale of Abuse -
January 31, 1997
- The
State of Jamaican Homosexuality: Fear or Disgust? [Worse than you
thought. -Bob] - Zakiya McKenzie in The
Jamaica Observer, April 11, 2006
- The
Mindless UWI Rabble - The
Jamaica Observer, April 6, 2006
- The
Misperceptions of Gay vs Heterosexual Murders - The
Jamaica Observer, December 10, 2005
and Homophobia, in Jamaica - New
York Times, November 30, 2005
- God Help Our Children’s Children - Michael
Leigh letter in The
Jamaica Observer, February 27, 2005
- Their Homophobia Is Our Fault - Decca
Aitkenhead in The Guardian,
January 5, 2005
- Time for Serious Gay Debate - Ian Boyne in The
Jamaican Gleaner, December 5, 2004 [Well, not so serious.
Consent in sex is deemed ethically irrelevant. -Bob]
- ‘Hated to Death’ in Jamaica - New
York Times, December 2, 2004
- No Country Stands Alone - Ken Chaplin in the Jamaica
Observer, November 30, 2004
- Charge Those Groups for Sedition - Sergeant David White in the Jamaica
Observer, November 25, 2004 and response by human rights
groups on November 28, 2004
- Give Us a Break! - Christopher Burns in the Jamaica
Observer, November 22, 2004
- Black and Gay and Hunted - Peter Tatchell in the New
Statesman, October 4, 2004
- Don’t Blame The Music - Dotun
Adebayo in The Guardian,
October 17, 2002
Action Alert
Jamaican Forum of Lesbians, All Sexuals and Gays
P.O. Box 1152, Kingston 8, Jamaica
Email: jflag@hotmail.com
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