Last edited: April 16, 2005

Anti-Gay Convictions in Fiji

Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (Australia), April 8, 2005
P.O. Box 9, Darlinghurst, NSW, 1300, Australia
(02) 9360 6650
Fax: (02) 9331 7963
Female Convenor:
Male Convenor:

The convictions on April 6 are the first in Fiji since Independence, and have shocked GLBTQ people in both Fiji and Australia. The two men were each found guilty on one count of unnatural offence and one count of indecent practice. In sentencing the two, the Magistrate described the crimes as “something so disgusting that it would make any decent person vomit”.

Fiji was only the second country in the world to include sexual orientation in its Constitution, but continues to ban sex between two adult men. This is an unacceptable violation of human rights. The Australian government needs to be more proactive in lobbying other countries on the importance of basic human rights like the right to privacy in sexual conduct.

You can take action on this issue by writing to the Australian government, and telling them that these basic human rights are important.

Write to:

Alexander Downer
Minister for Foreign Affairs
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Fax: (02) 6273 4112

Jennifer Rawson
High Commissioner to Fiji
Australian High Commission
37 Princes Road
Fiji Islands
Facsimile: 0011 338 2065

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