Last edited: April 18, 2004

Mother Remanded on Lesbian Charge

Herald Sun, December 8, 2003
Box 14631, Melbourne, Victoria 8001 Australia
Fax: + 61-3-9292-2944

From correspondents in Honiara

A woman in the Solomon Islands has been refused bail after appearing in court on Monday on a lesbian charge, in a case being monitored by the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR).

Magistrate Jefferson Leua said the offence was a serious one and the middle-aged, divorced mother would be remanded in custody to ensure there was no interference with witnesses. The woman faces one charge of committing an indecent practice, having sex with a person of the same gender.

The head of the UNHCR’s Honiara Office, Ashley Wickham, said the case would be followed closely.

“We should be trying to comply with international standards, and clearly some things have been happening here that do not,” Wickham said.

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