Last edited: February 14, 2005

Romanian Government Passes Bill Decriminalizing Gay Sex

The Advocate, June 23–25, 2001

The Romanian government has passed an emergency bill decriminalizing gay sex as part of its efforts to increase the country’s chances to be accepted into the European Union. "I hope this will put an end to discrimination against homosexuals so that human and minority rights are protected and criteria for the EU [membership] are met,’’ said Adrian Coman, who heads Accept, a gay rights group. Romania is under pressure to have its legislation meet European norms. Late Thursday the government bypassed parliament and passed an emergency ordinance to decriminalize gay sex. The EU’s special envoy to Romania had recently urged the move. In May the government reached a compromise with Romania’s Orthodox Church on the issue. The church vehemently opposes legalizing homosexuality but stayed silent on the issue because of Romania’s desire to be in the EU. Details of the compromise were not disclosed.

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