Last edited: February 14, 2005
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New government, new promises from Romania
Wednesday April 22, 1998
Romanian PM's Promises: In the wake of criticism voiced this week by human
rights watchdog Amnesty International at the meeting
of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe in Strasbourg (NewsPlanet
April 21, 1998), Romanian Prime Minister Radu Vasile made strongly-worded promises of
improvement on April 22. In contrast to his lukewarm, defensive response in Strasbourg,
once back in Bucharest he told Reuters, "Our government cannot accept any repeat of
such cases [of human rights violations], even if they are isolated [incidents].... Even if
those cases date back to previous governments."
In fact, Vasile and his Christian Democrat-led group only took power
last week, after their predecessors resigned. Vasile continued, "I will expressly
ask the responsible institutions to take resolute steps to stem such practices.... Even if
I deem those cases to be isoalted, we are resolved to bring the necessary legal
changes." Along with the change of leadership, the Romanian parliament agreed to make
legal changes to match the standards of the European Union the nation hopes to join,
including further reform of the sodomy law.
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