Last edited: November 24, 2007
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- Statute: Article
- Penalty: 3 years in prison.
- Restrictions:
Nicaraguan President Signs Sodomy
Law: "Nicaraguan president Violeta Chamorro has signed into law
a new penal code that makes sodomy a crime punishable by up to four years in
prison [but see next item]. The bill, which defines sodomy broadly as
"the cohabitation between individuals of the same sex," was passed
by the National Assembly on June 11 and sent to Chamorro, who signed the
legislation on July 8 without informing either the press or the opposition
Sandinista block. ."(IGLHRC
Press Release August 7, 1992)
"Amended Article 205 (now Article 204 of the reformed Penal Code)
provides that "anyone who induces, promotes, propagandizes or practices
in scandalous form sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex commits
the crime of sodomy and shall incur 1 to 3 years imprisonment". It also
states that if one of the people engaging in sexual intercourse is in a
position of power or authority over the other, even if in private, s/he will
be punishable with 2 to 4 years in prison for unlawful seduction."
(Amnesty International Update 14 August 1992)
The original Spanish text of Article 204 is as follows:
"Publicado en la Gaceta, Diario Oficial, No. 174 del 9 de septiembre de
1992, cuyo Arto. 5 dice, en su encabezado y en su párrafo final:
"Se reforma el Capitulo IX, Titulo I del Libro del Código Penal, el
que se leerá así: .... Arto. 204: Comete delito de SODOMIA el que induzca,
promueva, propagandice o practique en forma escandalosa el concúbito entre
personas del mismo sexo. Sufrirá de 1 a 3 años de prisión. Cuando uno de
los que lo practican, aún en privado, tuviese sobre otro el poder
disciplinario o de mando, como ascendiente, quardador, maestro, jefe, guardián,
o en cualquier otro concepto que implique influencia de autoridad o de dirección
moral, se le aplicará la pena de seducción ilegítima, como único
responsable." (Provided by Fundación Xochiquetzal to Swedish
Foreign Office/RFSL survey October 1997)
Nicaraguan Supreme Court Rejects Sodomy Law Appeal: On March 7,
Nicaragua’s Supreme Court rejected a constitutional challenge to an anti-gay
law—Article 204 of the Penal Code...The appeal was presented in October 1992
by a group of about 30 Nicaraguans including lawyers, lesbian and gay people,
AIDS educators and human rights activists. With the high court’s decision,
made more than a year and a half after the appeal was filed, the law will now
become enforceable.
The court rejected 5-2 the plaintiffs’ claims that the law violated
Constitutional provisions for all Nicaraguans to enjoy unconditional equality
and to exercise all political rights. The court upheld the law on the grounds
that "[t]o authorize the performance and freedom of sodomy would be a
legal attack against the increase of the Nicaraguan population, a step back
for its political, economic and social advancement, due to the lack of men and
women to push Nicaragua’s progress forward. One cannot attack
The feminist magazine La Boletina notes that this precedent provides legal
grounds for "[f]orbidding kisses, masturbation, premarital relations,
cohabitation among unmarried people, and the use of contraceptives... They’d
have to put almost the whole population of the country in jail!!!" [Court
Brief, Corte Suprema de Justicia, Managua, Sentencia No. 18, 3/7/94; La
Boletina (Managua) No. 16, March-April-May ‘94 edition](Nicaragua Solidarity
Network of NY - Wkly Update on the Americas #235 7/31/94)
- Nicaragua
to Decriminalise Gay Sex - Pink
News, November 17, 2007
Consensual gay sex will no longer be a criminal offence in Nicaragua under
a new penal code due to come into effect on March 2008.
- Nicaraguan
Wins Reprieve in Bid to Remain in Canada - Globe
and Mail, February 10, 2007
- Canada Issues
Temporary Ban On Deporting Gay Nicaraguan - 365Gay.com,
February 10, 2007
- Can't
Prove He Was Openly Gay at 12, Man Denied Asylum in Canada - 365Gay.com,
February 7, 2007
- Can't
Prove He's Gay, Teen Is Denied Asylum - Globe
and Mail, February 7, 2007
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