Last edited: January 03, 2005

Letter: Injustice in Cairo

New York Times, February 9, 2002
229 W. 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036
Fax: 212-556-3622

Re: "Belated Justice in Egypt" (editorial, Feb. 8):

You say "nothing has defamed Egypt’s image more in recent months" than the wrongful prosecution and imprisonment of the human rights advocate Saad Eddin Ibrahim, whose conviction has now been overturned by a Cairo appeals court. I would argue that equally defaming are the arrests of 52 men in Cairo last year simply for being gay.

In November, 23 of these men were sentenced to jail terms from one to five years, and the two main defendants were sentenced to five and three years’ hard labor.

Thanks to international pressure, justice prevailed, and Mr. Ibrahim has been released, pending a retrial. Regrettably, the same cannot be said for the men in Cairo.

- Matthew Tumminello, New York

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