Demand for Justice in Egypt!
OUTfront Action:
August 15, 2001
August 15
5:30 - 7:00 PM
Egyptian Cultural & Educational Bureau
1303 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
(Between 20th and 21st St.; Metro stop: Dupont Circle, Red Line)
Following an initial hearing, 52 Egyptian men, after being arrested and
detained for allegedly being gay, will face the Egyptian Emergency State
Security Court for charges of "immoral behavior" and "contempt
of religion" on August 15th. Al-Fatiha (LGBTQ Muslims & Friends) has
declared August 15 a day of solidarity and mourning to honor these men.
Amnesty International OUTfront in support of the Al-Fatiha day of solidarity
calls on all lgbt people and allies to protest and demand for the immediate
release of these men.
Join us for a rally outside the office of the Egyptian Ministry of
Education whose stated mission is: "We are your gateway to Egypt, as we
believe that direct contacts among peoples contributes effectively to the
promotion of international understanding and strengthens friendship among
nations." For further info about the bureau:
Call/Write the Egyptian officials and let them know what you think:
telephone 202.296.3888; fax 202.296.3891;
Demand for Justice in Egypt! Call on the Egyptian govt. to honor their
obligations under international law and release the 52 men!
For more information about the rally: 202.544.0200, X275;
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