Virginia Senate Committee Kills Sex Ed Bill
The Washington
Blade, February 15, 2002
By Rhonda Smith
The Senate Education & Health Committee in Virginia’s legislature
defeated a bill Feb. 14 that would have limited human sexuality discussions in
public schools about "crimes against nature."
Sodomy—oral or anal sex involving same-sex or opposite-sex couples—is
illegal in Virginia and considered a "crime against nature."
Lawmakers in the state’s House of Delegates approved the measure, House Bill
88, by an 83-16 margin Feb. 5. It would have limited the extent to which
guidance counselors, school nurses, or educators certified to teach Family
Life Education courses could mention anything related to sodomy.
"It’s dead for this term, which is wonderful," said Kevin
Medwedeff, treasurer and former president of Virginia Partisans Gay &
Lesbian Democratic Club. "It appears we were able to stop what would have
been some horrible legislation."
The 15-member Senate Education & Health Committee voted 7-7 on the
bill, with Democrats opposing it and Republicans favoring it. Sen. John J.
Chichester, a Republican, determined the bill’s fate when he abstained from
voting on it.
Chichester could not be reached for comment.
Medwedeff said those opposed to the bill owe Chichester "a lot of
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