Log Cabin Republicans of Virginia Endorse Sodomy Law Repeal, Government
Employment Anti-discrimination Measure
For immediate release: December 13, 2001
The Log Cabin Republican Club of Virginia, a statewide organization of gay
and lesbian Republicans, voted at its recent monthly meeting to endorse repeal
of Virginia’s sodomy law as well as enactment of a new state law forbidding
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation by state and local
government agencies. Resolutions supporting both measures were passed
overwhelmingly by Club members.
Virginia’s Crimes Against Nature (CAN) law makes sodomy between adults in
private or public a felony, and its repeal has been a top priority of the Log
Cabin Republican Club for several years. A measure to change the current law
passed the state House of Delegates in 2000 but did not survive a committee
vote in the House earlier this year.
A repeal bill similar to the one voted on in the last session will be
introduced in the 2002 session, although it is as of yet undetermined who will
do so. The bill is expected to repeal penalties for private sexual behavior
between consenting adults while strengthening penalties for public sex. The
Log Cabin Republican Club of Virginia maintains that it is inconsistent with
the traditional Republican principle of limited government for the state to
regulate private behavior between consenting adults. A Rasmussen survey of
Virginia voters commissioned by the Log Cabin Republican Club of Virginia
earlier this year showed overwhelming public support for repealing Virginia’s
sodomy law.
Pursuant to its resolution, the Club has sent a letter and a copy of the
resolution to all Republican members of the House of Delegates and the State
Senate as well as the new Attorney General, Jerry Kilgore, urging them to
support repeal of the CAN statute.
The second resolution passed by club members at its meeting called for
passage of a new state law forbidding discrimination on the basis of sexual
orientation by all state and local government agencies. Such discrimination in
public employment is not explicitly covered by state law. The Log Cabin
Republican Club did not include the private sector in its resolution because
many club members oppose government regulation of private sector employment
practices. State and local government agencies, on the other hand, represent
all citizens and taxpayers, and should therefore be legally obligated to treat
all citizens equally. It is not yet known if a bill forbidding discrimination
by state and local government agencies will be introduced in the next
legislative session, but the Club is working on obtaining sponsors of such
The Log Cabin Republican Club of Virginia is a group of mainstream gay and
lesbian Republicans working to make the Party more inclusive. More information
about the Log Cabin Republican Club of Virginia can be found on our website at
www.VaLogCabin.org or by calling
(703) 972-3838.
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Log Cabin Republican Club of Northern Virginia Email: info@VaLogCabin.org
On the Web: www.VaLogCabin.org
Contact: David Lampo (202) 789-5286 or Jeffrey Miller (202) 491-4065
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