Letter: Editorial Degraded Your Honor
Times-Dispatch, February 6, 2001
Box 85333, Richmond, VA 23293-0001
Fax: 804-775-8072 or 775-8090
Email: letters@timesdispatch.com
I was very sick after reading the January 26 editorial, "Three
Bills," by a no-name editor. I dont exactly blame whoever wrote
it, but I would be ashamed to put my name on anything as degrading as what was
published on the Editorial Page of a paper like the T-D, not the grocery store
The third paragraph of that piece is despicableno decent moral human
being would want the "crimes against nature" law struck down except
a homosexual.
This person doesnt read the newspaper he writes for, for every day
reports are published about horrible crimes committed by homosexuals against
children. And your writer wants to turn them loose to ravage societys
children without even a slap on the hand, and call it a "defense of
marriage act."
Read your BibleRomans 1:18-32then tell your readers to abolish
the "crimes against nature" law.
I.P. Watkins, Blackstone
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