Letter: Ruling Is Appalling
World-Herald, July 9, 2003
World Herald Square, Omaha, NE 68102
Fax: 402-345-4547
Email: pulse@owh.com
I am appalled at the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on
homosexual behavior. Leftists and homosexuals have for decades actively sought
out friendly courts and judges to forward their agenda.
By being receptive to a left-wing agenda, these jurists
have blatantly circumvented the Constitution or simply fabricated
constitutional rights. I believe the judicial system has time and again
overstepped its bounds and the separation of powers.
No matter where you look in the Constitution or the
record of the framers of the Constitution, no reasonable human can snatch
homosexual rights out of thin air. Nor can he fabricate the right to abortion
on demand.
Leftists have been allowed to run roughshod over the
American people and the court system. It is time we elect courageous people to
the Senate who will finally put a halt to judicial activism.
—Brian K. Conrad, Omaha
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