Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota Condemns Actions Taken by Senator Neuville and
Limmer to Retain Silly and Senseless Laws
For Immediate Release Contact: Terrell Brown, President
March 20, 1999
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota condemn the actions taken by
Senator Neuville (R, Northfield) and Senator Limmer (R, Maple Grove) to maintain laws that
outlaw sexual activities between consenting adults in the privacy of their own home.
"These actions by Senators Neuville and Senator Limmer violate the core values of
the Republican Party, which include limited government, personal responsibility, and low
taxes." comments Terrell Brown, President of Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota.
"These types of attitudes by some Republicans give the public the perception of a
party that is out of touch with the average Minnesotan. The tedious comparison of the
sodomy laws with laws against prostitution and child sexual abuse is an insult to all gay
and heterosexual adults who violate the sodomy statute within the privacy of their
relationships with their spouse, or partner."
Log Cabin Republicans is concerned that if Republican members of the house and Senate
continue to favor laws regulating private sexual behavior, and stepped up enforcement of
those provisions, that they will make themselves vulnerable to defeat in the next
elections. "The Reform Party is already marketing to fiscally conservative, socially
tolerant Minnesotans, comments Eva Young, Secretary, Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota.
"The average Minnesotan thinks the government has better things to do than to
regulate what goes on in peoples bedrooms. If Republicans continue to listen to out
of touch, antigay organizations like the Minnesota Family Council, and fail to listen to
their constituents, they will lose the state house in the next election. The Republican
Party of Minnesota Platform does not include a plank that supports these outdated, and out
of touch laws. If the Republican Party doesnt move to counteract the impression
people have of a party that is overtly hostile to gays, they will continue to alienate not
only gays, but the mainstream independent and moderate Republican voters."
"It is a mistake to stand against the overwhelming tide of public opinion,"
said Rich Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans, the national gay Republican
organization. "The more that Senators Neuville and Limmer give the GOP an extremist,
intolerant face, the more than mainstream, libertarian Minnesotans will flock to other
camps, like the Reform Party."
Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota is a grass roots inclusive Republican organization.
Log Cabin Republicans of Minnesota is affiliated with Log Cabin Republicans, the
nations largest gay and lesbian Republican organization, with state and local
chapters nationwide, a full-time Washington office and a federal political action
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