Last edited: January 01, 2005

Polk Republicans Adopt Platform

The Des Moines Register, March 9, 1998

Polk County Republican leaders on Saturday called for the United States to withdraw from the United Nations and urged a return to Bible teaching in the schools.

At the party convention, the county GOP also adopted a platform calling for schools to teach creationism on an equal footing with evolution, and to teach "patriotism, traditional American and world history," and respect for elders and property.

The delegates turned back an attempt to remove the anti-U.N. plank from the platform by a vote of 114-98.

On a voice vote, the party rejected a call to withhold party money from any candidate who refuses to support a ban on partial-birth abortion.

The platform also called for laws allowing non-felons over age 21 to carry concealed weapons, banning "sodomy acts," and allowing local law enforcement officers to apprehend illegal immigrants and be compensated for it.

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