Last edited: April 11, 2006



  • Statute: Repealed 1971


            1656     New Haven Colony (later merged into Connecticut) adopts the first law in what became the United States specifically to outlaw sex between two women. There are no prosecutions under the law, which is a capital offense.

            1821     A revision of the state’s colonial-era sodomy law reduces the penalty from death to life imprisonment and, probably unwittingly makes two other changes to the law. First, it is worded uniquely that either sex can be the perpetrator, but only a male can be a victim. Second, it refers to “carnal knowledge of a man,” thus probably becoming the first state to outlaw fellatio.

            1863     The Connecticut Supreme Court is the first in the nation to find that deadly force is allowable to prevent an act of sodomy.

            1891     The Connecticut Supreme Court affirms a lower court in granting damages to a man for the injury his teenage son suffered from a sexual relationship with another teenage boy.

            1970     Connecticut’s Commissioner of Motor Vehicles John Tynan denies a driver’s license to a man with a sodomy conviction on his record, saying the man “is an admitted homosexual” and “his homosexuality makes him an improper person to hold an operator’s license.” Connecticut Attorney General Robert Killian upholds Tynan’s decision. The man denied his license later commits suicide.



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