Last edited: February 14, 2005

Letter: Remove Roy Moore

Huntsville Times, February 20, 2002
Box 1437—West Station, Huntsville, AL 35807
Fax: 205-532-4420

The recent decision written by Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore involving a custody battle between a homosexual parent and a heterosexual parent prove that he should be removed from office.

Moore was elected as a "judge"—someone who is to interpret the law as it is written within the Constitution. He seems to think that it is within the scope of his duties to interpret the Bible and base his decisions on that.

This is clearly a violation of the Constitution in regard to separation of church and state.

Let me state for the record that I am a Christian lesbian (and, yes, you can be both). My foremost concern is for the children involved in this custody battle—what is best for them?

If the allegations of the father being abusive are true, then there is no question the children should live with their mother.

I know many children who are being raised by gay or lesbian parents. They are happy, well-adjusted and loved.

A parent’s sexuality has nothing to do with whether a child lives in a healthy, safe and loving home.

Moore was not elected to lead people in their spiritual life. That is not the responsibility or the privilege of a judge.

Judges are not elected to be public spokespeople for God. And when their spiritual beliefs enter into their judicial decisions, they are in the wrong line of work.

- Linda L. Phillips, New Market

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