Last edited: December 05, 2004 |
The most import ant ingredient that a city, county, state or nation has is the character of its citizens. The morally destitute, demoralized state, the intellectual decadence, and imminent degeneration inherent in D.C. Act 10-30 must be made loathsome. It has been the contention, by most of you that are serving on the city council that those of us who stand on the righteousness of Gods word, dont understand your position as a council member, that you must represent all of the people in your wards including their ungodly desires. No. I do not understand how you can claim to wear two hats. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, whether it is in the district building or the churches. What I do understand is that some of you are being held captive by the intimidations of a minor group who threaten, coerce and carry on terrorist tactics. What I do understand is that we are being asked to sanction and accept sodomy as something that our governmental leaders knew was wrong and unholy in June 1948, and regardless of how our current lawmakers try to convince us today that this law is archaic and antiquated, this is just not true. The US Supreme Court has declared in its 1986 decision Bowers vs. Hardwick "that homosexuality is not a fundamental protected right." The court said that homosexuality is a behavior lifestyle, not an insular and discrete. You offer up the privacy issue as the strong point, whatever consenting adults do in privacy should not be restricted. Yes. This has some merit. You proudly announce That you will not support the bill for 16 year olds, but for a few votes you are willing to sacrifice our 17 and 18 year olds to a life of sodomy. I say shame on you. And like Pilate who tried to wash his hands after his sinful conduct and claim innocence, he could not and you can not claim innocence. You do not have a mandate to give this city over to Queer Nation, ACT-UP and the Human Rights Campaign Fund. You say that of the voting population the homosexual community comprises some 30-40%. So what? This is inaccurate and can not be proven, because it is based upon the theory that 10% of the populist is homosexual. Elected officials must be careful on which side of great moral issues their influence is thrown, and your influence should not be for sale for homosexual votes, nor should you be frightened into compromise by intimidation. We are looking for some politicians who will stand up for grass roots people. You say to me that morally you have a problem with this bill then stand up for what is morally right. I am totally amazed where in you tell me that what constitutes a family is subjective. This is absolutely a first class cop out. The God of nature, he made us Adam and Eve. There is no proof that homosexuality is genetic or biological. This is a chosen lifestyle on their part. Why should they be rewarded for their choice of this behavior? In closing, I would like to deal with the big picture. The ultimate fantasy that the homosexual community is working for in the nations capital as well as the whole U.S.A. The big picture, and it is huge, is an evolving conspiracy that is at least twenty years old. Officially known as the 1972 Gay Rights Platform. There are demands for the federal and demands for states. Twenty years ago we would have simply laughed at there demands, but not today. We see history repeating itself. I emplore you of the city council do not permit yourselves to be used, by this political group. What we see here in the District of Columbia is simply a part of the huge picture. Such as; (1) In 1975 our marriage laws were changed from requiring heterosexuals, that is a male and a female to apply for a marriage license, but rather any two persons therefor two men or two women. This is a part of the picture that will lay the track-bed same sex gay marriages. (2) We have already seen them test the validity of the 1975 amended marriage laws. Two men applying for a marriage license. (3) Last year the council and the mayor and our congressional delegate in their wisdom granted them domestic partnership. For all of its disguise as an insurance bill it is a gay marriage situation until same-sex marriage comes. (4) And now they are demanding that we throw open the city to their sadistic way of life.[Home] [Testimony] [District of Columbia]